Administration - Project Status


System administrators


  • Determine the meaning of the green, yellow and red status indicators
  • Know how to set up the status types in Project Insight
  • Establish the status order


Most project teams want to use the project status indicators. These are the traffic light indicators: green, yellow, and red that will display on your project and portfolio reports.

These status indicators are a subjective designation and are set manually on a project by the project manager. There are automatic indicators as well, which are covered in the health video.

You might have a current set of terms by which you define projects. If you wish to carry that over into Project Insight, then you can add those terms in the system. Otherwise, some common designations include:

  • Green for normal or low priority
  • Yellow for medium priority or caution
  • Red for at risk or high priority

You will also want to have the status type NONE as a default to indicate that a project does not have a status yet.

Establish your status order, and be sure to leave NONE at the top of the list, so if anyone forgets to enter a project status, they will not inadvertently input one that has not actually been set.

If you would like to change the default icons or add more status options you can. Simply click ‘upload icon’ and choose the new graphic image from your network or hard drive. Keep in mind that the image should be 16 pixels by 16 pixels.

Edit your project status options using the inline editing. Just double click on the line, edit and click enter or save.

Helpful Resources

Determine Your Best Configuration Options

Project Status Help

Online 11/1/2016
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