Administration - Default Work Schedule


System administrators


  • Know how to adjust the Default Work Schedule to match your organization's typical schedule
  • Understand how to create separate work schedules for different groups or regions


Project Insight allows you to input multiple work schedules to match your organization’s schedule.

If you have teams in different regions of the world, you can create a separate work schedule and holiday calendars for each region. For example, perhaps the U.S. team works from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday, however, the team in Spain works from 9am with a break at 2 pm for lunch, then they return at 5 pm and work until 8 pm. You may put both work schedules in Project Insight and associate each team member with the right schedule.

You may add a new calendar using the inline editing…. or click the blue link to edit an existing schedule.

The default workdays have standard working times for each day. You may change the work schedule to fit your organization’s typical start and stop times. These will display on your project schedules.

On the right, you can add non-working days or holidays to your default calendar.

To add a non-working time, input or select a date and click the blue plus icon.

Now, you have the option to update any existing project schedule and push off tasks from that non-working time.

Also, you may want to notify the project managers whose projects have been impacted.

Simply click the check boxes and save.

Helpful Resources

Determine Your Best Configuration Options

Default Work Schedule Help

Online 11/1/2016
Updated on: