Self Serve Resources in Project Insight


All users and team members of Project Insight


  • Learn where to find the online manual and help with this page
  • Discover the training videos in the Project Insight Community
  • Find out how to request support from within the software


Project Insight offers many self serve resources, simply navigate to the blue help icon in the upper right hand corner of the page. There you will find help with this page, show page videos, online manual, getting started videos, training videos, Project Insight Community, show page news and request support.

If you are having difficulty with any page, simply click on help with this page and the context sensitive menu will appear. If you’d like to watch a short video like this one, click on show page videos. For more detailed information about the product or to search the online manual, simply click online manual.

If you are an administrator and this is the first time, the Getting Started videos are a great resource. 

If you would like more detailed product training videos, we do have over 150 hours of product training for Project Insight. There are one hour long sessions, as well as PMI courses, IT methodology, leadership and management courses as well.

For extended information, visit the Project Insight Community. There you can run a search which will bring up FAQs about the product, appropriate videos to watch, a customer Q&A forum and blogs.

If we have any news about a particular page that you are on, you will see a show page news box.

If you’d like to contact support with a question, a feature suggestion or to report a possible bug, you may do so directly from the application itself. Simply describe what’s happening and click send.

Online 3/7/2015
Updated on: