Steps to Search for Project Management Software - #2 Gain Support

A lot of support!

  • Do you enjoy wasting a lot of time? Probably not, which is why having support from your executive team for your research is a MUST have.
  • If you started this search because your executive asked for it, then great, keep pushing and gain even more support from your team.
  • If you don’t have support yet, then I suggest you get some and quickly! This happens quite too often. Teams will spend an enormous amount of time searching for the right solution only to get shut down by executives when trying to get their buy-in support . The last thing you want to do is spend hours and days doing the reseach when the team’s needs might fall onto deaf ears. If you recognize a need for a project management solution, recruit others who might feel the same and start asking for that support!

Online 1/26/2016
PM Fett
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