Administration - General


System administrators


  • Help System Administrators become familiar with navigating throughout Project Insight
  • Provide guidance on preparing your project management solution so it is ready for the rest of the team to use
  • Learn the importance of brainstorming and carefully deciding the best way to populate your global settings


Before you start using Project Insight for the first time, you need to configure your system through the Administration section.

This includes entering data such as project types, resource types and roles and users.

To support your specific business process, you must also configure the Project Insight settings.

You need to be a user manager to add users and groups.

To add new companies or clients, you need to be a Company Manager.

To enter any other administrative data or configure the settings, you need to be a system administrator.

Helpful Resources

Determine Your Best Configuration Options

Online 10/31/2016
Updated on: