Project Insight Release Notes


Inline Editing Enhancement - Values in row to be edited transposed to form row in cells with no form inputs.

Changed the behavior of iframe reports from the dashboard so that the links within the iframe open up in the parent window.

Task types - a new field at the task level.

Social mentions - @mention in Comments or tag team members for alerts in the comments by using the @ symbol and a team member name.

Add multiple sets of tasks from a template.


Fixed bug that caused Time Sheet Approvals to stay on the Dashboard of the PMs who have already approved.

Fixed issue when adding an receipt to the expenses so that page saved the correct date range.

Tooltip has been corrected for Removing Invoice Items - now states "Remove Line Item."

Canceling from clearing a timer now correctly leaves the timer counting.

Task Reports can now group by "Summary Task Name" so that summary tasks with the same name but on different projects can be grouped.

User defined combobox fields now group by parents.

The Time entry submission from the timer now has work percent complete.

Updated new video content for company and contract edit form.

Updated video on task list web form.

Fixed the alert response when adding a duplicate entry for a resource type on the web form.

Fixed bug on Agile Backlog that caused error when you edit an item on the backlog that was created first on the backlog.

Fixed bug in Agile Backlog and Iteration Table that caused refresh warnings to appear when they are unneeded.

Fixed bug that caused error when adding additional Task Types.

Link URL column added to all reports.

Fixed bug that displayed the Saved Time Sheets results twice - only one table for saved time sheets will be displayed on the report page.

Fixed bug that caused missing time stamp in the Expense Entry Report.

Fixed a bug which prevented the allotted vs available hours to not show without other allotted fields showing on the resource allocation report.

Added Project Status to set a default value when creating a project from a project request.

Fixed the work hours input and display fields to be properly saved and displayed.

New "Manage Apps & Add Ons" icon now appears in corresponding theme color.

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Online 10/26/2016
Denise Arterberry
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