Project Insight Release Notes


New feature to allow time entry fields to display in "HH:mm:ss" format - find it under Time Entry Settings

The custom field checkbox or checkbox list controls cannot be required to mark the field as true

The list of potential names when users @mention in Comments now follows your Communication Settings

The MS Project Connector is ready for launch! Check it out in the Administration > Desktop Tools!!!!


Approval Request pages now correctly display location breadcrumbs in top navigation

In the Agile Features, task dates change to match the date range of the Sprint consistently

Export to Excel now correctly strips out HTML

Task Auto Rescheduling Options "Re-Calculate When" value now display the proper format on the task add/edit form

For tasks with elapsed duration, the constraint date/time calculates correctly on the full task add/edit screen

Resource Type administration properly displays the active/inactive setting

To Do affiliations correct display on Dashboards and To Do reports

User Import no longer drops the last name when importing

Work Status Types can now have an apostrophe in the name without a JS error

When deleting a Parent combo box custom field, the child combo boxes will no longer error

The Gantt chart's "Export to Excel - Formatted" no longer errors - Please contact support with your steps to reproduce, if the problem still persists

Online 5/24/2018
Margaret Campbell
Updated on: