
REST service for the Action object. Contains the available API calls for the Action object.

GET action/{id}
Gets the Action object for the specified Id. URL: /api/action/{id}
POST action
Saves the Action object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE action/{id}
Deletes the Action object.
GET action/list?ids={ids}
Gets a List<ProjectInsight.Models.Actions.Action> of Action objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/action/list".
GET action/search?SearchText={SearchText}&StartDateTimeUTC={StartDateTimeUTC}&EndDateTimeUTC={EndDateTimeUTC}&DateRangeFilterType={DateRangeFilterType}&RaisedOnStartDateTimeUTC={RaisedOnStartDateTimeUTC}&RaisedOnEndDateTimeUTC={RaisedOnEndDateTimeUTC}&CreatedStartDateTimeUTC={CreatedStartDateTimeUTC}&CreatedEndDateTimeUTC={CreatedEndDateTimeUTC}&UpdatedStartDateTimeUTC={UpdatedStartDateTimeUTC}&UpdatedEndDateTimeUTC={UpdatedEndDateTimeUTC}&ClosedStartDateTimeUTC={ClosedStartDateTimeUTC}&ClosedEndDateTimeUTC={ClosedEndDateTimeUTC}&ExcludeOpenActions={ExcludeOpenActions}&ExcludeClosedActions={ExcludeClosedActions}&UserAssignedToList={UserAssignedToList}&UserCreatedByList={UserCreatedByList}&ProjectList={ProjectList}&ProjectTypeList={ProjectTypeList}&PrimaryProjectManagersList={PrimaryProjectManagersList}&ProjectSponsorList={ProjectSponsorList}&CompanyList={CompanyList}&CustomFieldValueWhereClause={CustomFieldValueWhereClause}&ProjectCustomFieldValueWhereClause={ProjectCustomFieldValueWhereClause}&ReportTypeList={ReportTypeList}&IsReportTypeLogicalAnd={IsReportTypeLogicalAnd}&WorkPercentCompleteTypeList={WorkPercentCompleteTypeList}&ProjectDepartmentList={ProjectDepartmentList}&ProjectInactiveList={ProjectInactiveList}&ProjectArchiveList={ProjectArchiveList}&IncludeActiveProjects={IncludeActiveProjects}&IncludeInActiveProjects={IncludeInActiveProjects}&IncludeArchiveProjects={IncludeArchiveProjects}&ProjectStatusList={ProjectStatusList}&ProjectPhaseList={ProjectPhaseList}&ProjectPriorityList={ProjectPriorityList}
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
POST api/Action
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Action?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ApprovalRequest object. Contains the available API calls for the ApprovalRequest object.

GET approval-request/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
Gets the approval request by the item number
POST approval-request/approve/{id}
Marks the Approval Request State Type of ApprovalRequest for passed in guid as approved
POST approval-request/approve-with-changes/{id}
Marks the Approval Request State Type of ApprovalRequest for passed in guid as approved
POST approval-request/deny/{id}
Marks the Approval Request State Type of ApprovalRequest for passed in guid as denied
POST approval-request/skip/{id}
Marks the Approval Request State Type of ApprovalRequest for passed in guid as denied
POST approval-request/cancel/{id}
Cancels the approval request
POST approval-request/start/{id}
Starts the approval request, activates it and starts at the supplied step
POST approval-request/restart/{id}?startAtApprovalRequestApprovalId={startAtApprovalRequestApprovalId}
Restarts the approval request, activates it and starts at the supplied step
POST approval-request/restart-current-step/{id}?startAtApprovalRequestApprovalId={startAtApprovalRequestApprovalId}
Restarts the approval request, activates it and starts at the supplied step
GET approval-request/{id}/is-user-approver/{userId}
Gets a SimpleBool flag indicating if the user is an approver on the ApprovalRequest
GET approval-request/search
Gets the based on the search criteria supplied.
POST approval-request/search
Gets the based on the search criteria supplied.
POST approval-request/approved-or-denied?userId={userId}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&includeExtraResult={includeExtraResult}
Gets the of approvals that have been approved or denied
GET approval-request/overdue
Gets the of approvals that are over due
GET approval-request/templates
Gets the designated as templates
GET approval-request/processed-approval-request-approvals/{id}
Gets a flag indicating if the user is an approver on the ApprovalRequest
GET approval-request/available-templates/{id}
Gets a of available templates for the provided item ID
GET approval-request/{id}
Gets the ApprovalRequest object for the specified Id. URL: /api/approval-request/{id}
POST approval-request
Saves the ApprovalRequest object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE approval-request/{id}
Deletes the ApprovalRequest object.
GET approval-request/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ApprovalRequest objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/approval-request/list".
POST api/ApprovalRequest
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ApprovalRequest?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

The ApprovalRequestApproval Web API Controller

POST approval-request-approval/approve/{id}
Marks ApprovalRequestApproval for passed in guid as approved
POST approval-request-approval/denied/{id}?comment={comment}
Marks ApprovalRequestApproval for passed in guid as denied
GET approval-request-approval/{id}
Gets the ApprovalRequestApproval object for the specified Id. URL: /api/approval-request-approval/{id}
DELETE approval-request-approval/{id}
Deletes the ApprovalRequestApproval object.
GET approval-request-approval/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ApprovalRequestApproval objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/approval-request-approval/list".
POST api/ApprovalRequestApproval
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ApprovalRequestApproval?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ApprovalRequestItem object. Contains the available API calls for the ApprovalRequestItem object.

GET approval-request-item/{id}
Gets the ApprovalRequestItem object for the specified Id. URL: /api/approval-request-item/{id}
POST approval-request-item
Saves the ApprovalRequestItem object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE approval-request-item/{id}
Deletes the ApprovalRequestItem object.
GET approval-request-item/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ApprovalRequestItem objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/approval-request-item/list".
POST api/ApprovalRequestItem
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ApprovalRequestItem?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ApprovalRequestNotification object. Contains the available API calls for the ApprovalRequestNotification object.

GET approval-request-notification/{id}
Gets the ApprovalRequestNotification object for the specified Id. URL: /api/approval-request-notification/{id}
POST approval-request-notification
Saves the ApprovalRequestNotification object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE approval-request-notification/{id}
Deletes the ApprovalRequestNotification object.
GET approval-request-notification/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ApprovalRequestNotification objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/approval-request-notification/list".
POST api/ApprovalRequestNotification
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ApprovalRequestNotification?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CapExOpExType object. Contains the available API calls for the CapExOpExType object.

GET cap-ex-op-ex-type/{id}
Gets the CapExOpExType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/cap-ex-op-ex-type/{id}
POST cap-ex-op-ex-type
Saves the CapExOpExType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE cap-ex-op-ex-type/{id}
Deletes the CapExOpExType object.
GET cap-ex-op-ex-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CapExOpExType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/cap-ex-op-ex-type/list".
GET cap-ex-op-ex-type/list-active
Gets a of CapExOpExType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/issue-status-type/list-active".
GET cap-ex-op-ex-type/list-all
Gets a of all CapExOpExType objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/issue-status-type/list-all".
GET cap-ex-op-ex-type/code/{code}
Gets a CapExOpExType by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
POST api/CapExOpExType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CapExOpExType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Comment object. Contains the available API calls for the Comment object.

GET comment/list-by-object/{id}
Gets a of Comment objects for the specified object.".
GET comment/list-by-project/{id}
Gets a of Comment objects for the specified project and its children (tasks and other items)".
GET comment/list-by-object-user-comments/{id}?itemCommentTypeType={itemCommentTypeType}&limitToPublicComments={limitToPublicComments}&limitToVisibleByClientUsers={limitToVisibleByClientUsers}&limitToWithoutParentComment={limitToWithoutParentComment}
Gets a of Comment objects which are system generated for the specified object. Relative URL "/api/comments/list-by-object-user-comments/{id:guid}".
GET comment/search?itemTypeXmlList={itemTypeXmlList}&customFieldSetGuidList={customFieldSetGuidList}&searchTerms={searchTerms}&createdStartDateTimeUTC={createdStartDateTimeUTC}&createdEndDateTimeUTC={createdEndDateTimeUTC}&excludeUserComments={excludeUserComments}&excludeSystemComments={excludeSystemComments}&excludeInternalComments={excludeInternalComments}&excludePublicComments={excludePublicComments}&containsMentions={containsMentions}&itemCommentTypeGuidList={itemCommentTypeGuidList}&userCreatedByGuidList={userCreatedByGuidList}&userItemCreatedByGuidList={userItemCreatedByGuidList}&usersMentionedGuidList={usersMentionedGuidList}&itemGuidList={itemGuidList}&projectGuidList={projectGuidList}
Loads the of Comment objects based on the criteria supplied.
GET comment/{id}
Gets the Comment object for the specified Id. URL: /api/comment/{id}
POST comment
Saves the Comment object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE comment/{id}
Deletes the Comment object.
GET comment/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Comment objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/comment/list".
POST api/Comment
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Comment?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CommentType object. Contains the available API calls for the CommentType object.

GET comment-type/{id}
Gets the CommentType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/comment-type/{id}
POST comment-type
Saves the CommentType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE comment-type/{id}
Deletes the CommentType object.
GET comment-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CommentType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/comment-type/list".
POST api/CommentType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CommentType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Company object. Contains the available API calls for the Company object.

GET company/name/{name}?caseSensitive={caseSensitive}
Gets the Company by its name. Returns the first it finds with the name
GET company/ensure-exists/{name}?caseSensitive={caseSensitive}
Gets the Company by its name. Returns the first it finds with the name
GET company/list-active
Gets a of Company objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-active".
GET company/list-client-active
Gets a of Company objects that are desinated as clients and are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-client-active".
GET company/list-vendor-active
Gets a of Company objects that are desinated as clients and are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-client-active".
GET company/list-all
Gets a of all Company objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/company/list-all".
GET company/list-communicate-active
Gets a of all Company objects the current user can communicate with and are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-communicate-active".
GET company/list-project/{id}
Retrieves a list of companies associated with a specific project.
GET company/list-project-client/{id}
Returns a list of companies that are associated with a specific project as clients.
GET company/list-active-project-assignment
Gets a of all Company objects the current user can communicate with and are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-communicate-active".
GET company/list-communicate-active-project-assignment
Gets a of all Company objects the current user can communicate with and are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-communicate-active".
GET company/list-active-project-assignment-time-expense
Gets a of all Company objects the current user can communicate with and are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-communicate-active".
GET company/list-communicate-active-project-assignment-time-expense
Gets a of all Company objects the current user can communicate with and are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-communicate-active".
GET company/list-communicate-active-time-expense
Gets a of all Company objects the current user can communicate with and are active. Relative URL "/api/company/list-communicate-active".
GET company/company-list?searchTerm={searchTerm}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageStart={pageStart}&sortDirection={sortDirection}&sortColumn={sortColumn}
Gets a of all Company objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/company/company-list".
GET company/{id}
Gets the Company object for the specified Id. URL: /api/company/{id}
POST company
Saves the Company object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE company/{id}
Deletes the Company object.
GET company/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Company objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/company/list".
POST api/Company
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Company?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CompanyContract object. Contains the available API calls for the CompanyContract object.

GET company-contract/company/{id}
Gets a of CompanyContract.
GET company-contract/list-active
Gets a of CompanyContract objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/company-contract/list-active".
GET company-contract/list-all
Gets a of all CompanyContract objects. Relative URL "/api/company-contract/list-all".
POST company-contract/default-rate/{id}
Saves the provided RateCardRate default rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID. If the default rate doesn"t exist, it is created.
DELETE company-contract/default-rate/{companyContractId}/{rateId}
Deletes the provided RateCardRate default rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID.
POST company-contract/user-rate/{id}
Saves the provided RateCardRate user rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID. If the user rate doesn"t exist, it is created.
DELETE company-contract/user-rate/{companyContractId}/{rateId}
Deletes the provided RateCardRate user rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID.
POST company-contract/resource-type-rate/{id}
Saves the provided RateCardRate resource type rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID. If the resource type rate doesn"t exist, it is created.
DELETE company-contract/resource-type-rate/{companyContractId}/{rateId}
Deletes the provided RateCardRate resource type rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID.
POST company-contract/task-type-rate/{id}
Saves the provided RateCardRate task type rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID. If the task type rate doesn"t exist, it is created.
DELETE company-contract/task-type-rate/{companyContractId}/{rateId}
Deletes the provided RateCardRate task type rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID.
POST company-contract/time-code-rate/{id}
Saves the provided RateCardRate time code rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID. If the time code rate doesn"t exist, it is created.
DELETE company-contract/time-code-rate/{companyContractId}/{rateId}
Deletes the provided RateCardRate time code rate to the CompanyContract object with the provided guid ID.
GET company-contract/{id}
Gets the CompanyContract object for the specified Id. URL: /api/company-contract/{id}
POST company-contract
Saves the CompanyContract object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE company-contract/{id}
Deletes the CompanyContract object.
GET company-contract/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CompanyContract objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/company-contract/list".
POST api/CompanyContract
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CompanyContract?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CompanyContractExpenseCode object. Contains the available API calls for the CompanyContractExpenseCode object.

GET company-contract-expense-code/list-active
Gets a of CompanyContract objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/company-contract-resource-type/list-active".
GET company-contract-expense-code/{id}
Gets the CompanyContractExpenseCode object for the specified Id. URL: /api/company-contract-expense-code/{id}
POST company-contract-expense-code
Saves the CompanyContractExpenseCode object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE company-contract-expense-code/{id}
Deletes the CompanyContractExpenseCode object.
GET company-contract-expense-code/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CompanyContractExpenseCode objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/company-contract-expense-code/list".
POST api/CompanyContractExpenseCode
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CompanyContractExpenseCode?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CompanyContractResourceType object. Contains the available API calls for the CompanyContractResourceType object.

GET company-contract-resource-type/list-active
Gets a of CompanyContract objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/company-contract-resource-type/list-active".
GET company-contract-resource-type/{id}
Gets the CompanyContractResourceType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/company-contract-resource-type/{id}
POST company-contract-resource-type
Saves the CompanyContractResourceType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE company-contract-resource-type/{id}
Deletes the CompanyContractResourceType object.
GET company-contract-resource-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CompanyContractResourceType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/company-contract-resource-type/list".
POST api/CompanyContractResourceType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CompanyContractResourceType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CompanyContractTaskType object. Contains the available API calls for the CompanyContractTaskType object.

GET company-contract-task-type/list-active
Gets a of CompanyContract objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/company-contract-resource-type/list-active".
GET company-contract-task-type/{id}
Gets the CompanyContractTaskType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/company-contract-task-type/{id}
POST company-contract-task-type
Saves the CompanyContractTaskType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE company-contract-task-type/{id}
Deletes the CompanyContractTaskType object.
GET company-contract-task-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CompanyContractTaskType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/company-contract-task-type/list".
POST api/CompanyContractTaskType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CompanyContractTaskType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Contact object. Contains the available API calls for the Contact object.

GET contact/from-contact-or-user/{id}
Gets Contact from a contact or user ID
GET contact/list-by-company/{companyId}
Gets of contacts for the specified company ID
GET contact/list-all
Gets of contacts for all companies
GET contact/{id}
Gets the Contact object for the specified Id. URL: /api/contact/{id}
POST contact
Saves the Contact object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE contact/{id}
Deletes the Contact object.
GET contact/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Contact objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/contact/list".
POST api/Contact
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Contact?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CustomField object. Contains the available API calls for the CustomField object.

GET custom-field/list-item-name?customFieldId={customFieldId}&listItemValue={listItemValue}
Gets the string list item name
GET custom-field/{id}/list-item/{listItemId}
Gets the string list item name
GET custom-field/{id}/list-items?parentSelectedListItemId={parentSelectedListItemId}&parentSelectedListItems={parentSelectedListItems}
Gets the string list item name
POST custom-field/{id}/list-item
Adds or updates a ListItemValue
DELETE custom-field/{id}/list-item/{listItemId}
Deletes the ListItemValue for the spcified custom field.
DELETE custom-field/{id}
Deletes the CustomField object.
GET custom-field/{typeString}/{fieldNumber}
Gets the CustomField for a specific object type and field number
GET custom-field/{typeString}/{fieldName}
Gets the CustomField for a specific object type and field name
GET custom-field/{typeString}?inputLocation={inputLocation}&limitToBulkEditableFields={limitToBulkEditableFields}&mobileInputs={mobileInputs}
Gets the ProjectInsight.WebApi.Controllers.CustomFields for the object string used in the route.
GET custom-field/list-customfields-customfieldset?customFieldSetId={customFieldSetId}&inputLocation={inputLocation}&limitToBulkEditableFields={limitToBulkEditableFields}&mobileInputs={mobileInputs}
Gets the ProjectInsight.WebApi.Controllers.CustomFields for the object string used in the route.
POST custom-field/upload-file?associatedObject={associatedObject}&customField={customField}
Saves the FileItem object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
POST custom-field/copy-to-custom-field-set/{customFieldDefinitionId}
Copies the the supplied custom field definition to the custom field set
GET custom-field/{id}
Gets the CustomField object for the specified Id. URL: /api/custom-field/{id}
POST custom-field
Saves the CustomField object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
GET custom-field/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CustomField objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/custom-field/list".
POST api/CustomField
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CustomField?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CustomFieldSet object. Contains the available API calls for the CustomFieldSet object.

GET custom-field-set/list-all
Gets the for the workspace. All custom field sets and custom items, so custom field set for project, task, and ones for custom items as well, including not active ones.
GET custom-field-set/list-custom-items
Gets the for just custom items for the workspace.
GET custom-field-set/list-custom-items-active
No documentation available.
GET custom-field-set/project
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the project. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/task
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the task. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/issue
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the issue. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/project-request
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the project-request. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/proposal
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the proposal. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/approval
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the approval. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/to-do
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the to-do. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/file
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the file. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/company
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the company. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/user
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the user. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/time-entry
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the time-entry. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/expense-entry
OBSOLETE, gets the (of custom field sets that are CHILDREN of the supplied type) for the expense-entry. Returns null if no custom fields are configured yet.
GET custom-field-set/{id}
Gets the CustomFieldSet object for the specified Id. URL: /api/custom-field-set/{id}
POST custom-field-set
Saves the CustomFieldSet object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
GET custom-field-set/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CustomFieldSet objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/custom-field-set/list".
POST api/CustomFieldSet
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CustomFieldSet?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CustomFieldValue object. Contains the available API calls for the CustomFieldValue object.

GET custom-field-value/formatted-string/{id}/{fieldNumber}?includeLinkIfPossible={includeLinkIfPossible}
Gets the string value of a specific custom field
GET custom-field-value/formatted-string-for-item/{itemId}/{fieldNumber}
Gets the string value of a specific custom field
GET custom-field-value/formatted-string-for-item/{fieldNumber}/{itemId}
Gets the string value of a specific custom field
GET custom-field-value/formatted-string-for-object/{objectId}/{fieldNumber}
Gets the string value of a specific custom field for one of the objects with custom fields
GET custom-field-value/formatted-string-for-object/{fieldNumber}/{objectId}
Gets the string value of a specific custom field for one of the objects with custom fields
GET custom-field-value/formatted-string-for-item/{itemId}/{fieldName}
Gets the CustomField for a specific object type and field name
POST custom-field-value/upload-image?id={id}&fieldNumber={fieldNumber}&fileName={fileName}&deleteExisting={deleteExisting}
Uploads a file and creates the file under the item container supplied.
POST custom-field-value/item-upload-image?id={id}&fieldNumber={fieldNumber}&fileName={fileName}&deleteExisting={deleteExisting}
Uploads a file and creates the file under the item container supplied.
GET custom-field-value/{id}
Gets the CustomFieldValue object for the specified Id. URL: /api/custom-field-value/{id}
POST custom-field-value
Saves the CustomFieldValue object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE custom-field-value/{id}
Deletes the CustomFieldValue object.
GET custom-field-value/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CustomFieldValue objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/custom-field-value/list".
POST api/CustomFieldValue
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CustomFieldValue?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the CustomItem object. Contains the available API calls for the CustomItem object.

POST custom-item
Saves the CustomItem object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
GET custom-item/search?customFieldSetId={customFieldSetId}&userId={userId}&searchTerms={searchTerms}&includeOpen={includeOpen}&includeClosed={includeClosed}&includeActive={includeActive}&includeNotActive={includeNotActive}&includeActiveProjects={includeActiveProjects}&includeInActiveProjects={includeInActiveProjects}&includeArchiveProjects={includeArchiveProjects}&createdStartDateTimeUTC={createdStartDateTimeUTC}&createdEndDateTimeUTC={createdEndDateTimeUTC}&updatedStartDateTimeUTC={updatedStartDateTimeUTC}&updatedEndDateTimeUTC={updatedEndDateTimeUTC}&closedRangeStartDateTimeUTC={closedRangeStartDateTimeUTC}&closedRangeEndDateTimeUTC={closedRangeEndDateTimeUTC}&createdByUserList={createdByUserList}&updatedByUserList={updatedByUserList}&masterFolderList={masterFolderList}&projectId={projectId}&itemType={itemType}&includeNoProjects={includeNoProjects}&projectList={projectList}&projectInactiveList={projectInactiveList}&projectArchiveList={projectArchiveList}
Gets a of CustomItem objects based on the search criteria.
GET custom-item/{id}/list-customitems-for-item/{itemId}
Gets the string list item name
GET custom-item/{id}
Gets the CustomItem object for the specified Id. URL: /api/custom-item/{id}
DELETE custom-item/{id}
Deletes the CustomItem object.
GET custom-item/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of CustomItem objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/custom-item/list".
POST api/CustomItem
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/CustomItem?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Decision object. Contains the available API calls for the Decision object.

GET decision/search?SearchText={SearchText}&RaisedOnStartDateTimeUTC={RaisedOnStartDateTimeUTC}&RaisedOnEndDateTimeUTC={RaisedOnEndDateTimeUTC}&CreatedStartDateTimeUTC={CreatedStartDateTimeUTC}&CreatedEndDateTimeUTC={CreatedEndDateTimeUTC}&UpdatedStartDateTimeUTC={UpdatedStartDateTimeUTC}&UpdatedEndDateTimeUTC={UpdatedEndDateTimeUTC}&ClosedStartDateTimeUTC={ClosedStartDateTimeUTC}&ClosedEndDateTimeUTC={ClosedEndDateTimeUTC}&ExcludeOpenDecisions={ExcludeOpenDecisions}&ExcludeClosedDecisions={ExcludeClosedDecisions}&UserAssignedToList={UserAssignedToList}&UserCreatedByList={UserCreatedByList}&ProjectList={ProjectList}&ProjectTypeList={ProjectTypeList}&PrimaryProjectManagersList={PrimaryProjectManagersList}&ProjectSponsorList={ProjectSponsorList}&CompanyList={CompanyList}&CustomFieldValueWhereClause={CustomFieldValueWhereClause}&ProjectCustomFieldValueWhereClause={ProjectCustomFieldValueWhereClause}&IsReportTypeLogicalAnd={IsReportTypeLogicalAnd}&ProjectDepartmentList={ProjectDepartmentList}&ProjectInactiveList={ProjectInactiveList}&ProjectArchiveList={ProjectArchiveList}&IncludeActiveProjects={IncludeActiveProjects}&IncludeInActiveProjects={IncludeInActiveProjects}&IncludeArchiveProjects={IncludeArchiveProjects}&ProjectStatusList={ProjectStatusList}&ProjectPhaseList={ProjectPhaseList}&ProjectPriorityList={ProjectPriorityList}
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
GET decision/{id}
Gets the Decision object for the specified Id. URL: /api/decision/{id}
POST decision
Saves the Decision object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE decision/{id}
Deletes the Decision object.
GET decision/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Decision objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/decision/list".
POST api/Decision
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Decision?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

Default Base controller

POST api/Default
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Default?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Department object. Contains the available API calls for the Department object.

GET department/list-active
Gets a ProjectInsight.WebApi.Controllers.ReferenceData.DepartmentController.List(System.String,ProjectInsight.Models.Base.ModelProperties) of Department objects that are active. Relative URL "/department/list-active".
GET department/list-all
Gets a ProjectInsight.WebApi.Controllers.ReferenceData.DepartmentController.List(System.String,ProjectInsight.Models.Base.ModelProperties) of all Department objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/department/list-all".
GET department/code/{code}
Gets a Department by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET department/{id}
Gets the Department object for the specified Id. URL: /api/department/{id}
POST department
Saves the Department object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE department/{id}
Deletes the Department object.
GET department/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Department objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/department/list".
POST api/Department
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Department?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Email object. Contains the available API calls for the Email object.

GET email/{id}
Gets the Email object for the specified Id. URL: /api/email/{id}
POST email
Saves the Email object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE email/{id}
Deletes the Email object.
GET email/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Email objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/email/list".
POST api/Email
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Email?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ExpenseCode object. Contains the available API calls for the ExpenseCode object.

GET expense-code/list-mileage
GET expense-code/list-material
GET expense-code/list-active
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active".
GET expense-code/list-all
Gets a of all ExpenseCode objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-all".
GET expense-code/code/{code}
Gets a ExpenseCode by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET expense-code/list-active-time-entry
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for time entries. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-time-entry".
GET expense-code/list-active-time-entry-for-tasks?projectId={projectId}
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for time entries on tasks. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-time-entry-for-tasks".
GET expense-code/list-active-time-entry-for-projects?projectId={projectId}
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for time entries on projects. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-time-entry-for-projects".
GET expense-code/list-active-time-entry-for-companies
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for time entries on companies. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-time-entry-for-companies".
GET expense-code/list-active-expense-entry
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for expense entries. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-expense-entry".
GET expense-code/list-active-expense-entry-for-tasks
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for expense entries on tasks. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-expense-entry-for-tasks".
GET expense-code/list-active-expense-entry-for-projects
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for expense entries on projects. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-expense-entry-for-projects".
GET expense-code/list-active-expense-entry-for-companies
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for expense entries on projects. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-expense-entry-for-companies".
GET expense-code/list-active-invoice-time-entry
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for time entries on invoices. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-invoice-time-entry".
GET expense-code/list-active-invoice-expense-entry
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for expense entries on invoices. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-invoice-expense-entry".
GET expense-code/list-active-invoice-time-expense-entry
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for expense entries on invoices. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-invoice-expense-entry".
GET expense-code/list-active-time-expense-entry
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-time-expense-entry".
GET expense-code/list-active-task-work-expense-codes
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for task work expense codes. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-task-work-expense-codes.
GET expense-code/list-active-time-entry-for-pto
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and valid for PTO time entries. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-time-entry-for-pto.
GET expense-code/list-active-time-entry-codes-for-invoice-with-non-billable-time-entries?invoiceId={invoiceId}
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and are time codes that have non-invoiced billable time enries. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-time-entry-codes-for-invoice-with-non-billable-time-entries".
GET expense-code/list-active-expense-entry-codes-for-invoice-with-non-billable-expense-entries?invoiceId={invoiceId}
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects that are active and are time codes that have non-invoiced billable time enries. Relative URL "/api/expense-code/list-active-expense-entry-codes-for-invoice-with-non-billable-expense-entries".
GET expense-code/{id}
Gets the ExpenseCode object for the specified Id. URL: /api/expense-code/{id}
POST expense-code
Saves the ExpenseCode object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE expense-code/{id}
Deletes the ExpenseCode object.
GET expense-code/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ExpenseCode objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/expense-code/list".
POST api/ExpenseCode
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ExpenseCode?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ExpenseEntry object. Contains the available API calls for the ExpenseEntry object.

GET expense-entry/project/{id}
Gets the of ExpenseEntry objects
GET expense-entry/not-on-expense-report?userId={userId}
No documentation available.
GET expense-entry/search?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&userGuidList={userGuidList}&projectGuidList={projectGuidList}&companyGuidList={companyGuidList}&companyContractGuidList={companyContractGuidList}&expenseCodeGuidList={expenseCodeGuidList}&departmentGuidList={departmentGuidList}&departmentAlternate={departmentAlternate}&userTypeGuidList={userTypeGuidList}&projectTypeGuidList={projectTypeGuidList}&projectStatusGuidList={projectStatusGuidList}&taskSpecialtyGuidList={taskSpecialtyGuidList}&excludeNonBillableEntries={excludeNonBillableEntries}&excludeBillableEntries={excludeBillableEntries}&excludeEntriesNotOnExpenseReport={excludeEntriesNotOnExpenseReport}&excludeSubmittedApprovedEntries={excludeSubmittedApprovedEntries}&excludeEntriesNonApprovedOnExpenseReport={excludeEntriesNonApprovedOnExpenseReport}&excludeInvoicedEntries={excludeInvoicedEntries}&excludeCompanySpecificEntries={excludeCompanySpecificEntries}&isCompaniesMustBeAssociatedToTaskAsDefault={isCompaniesMustBeAssociatedToTaskAsDefault}&isCompanyContractsMustBeAssociatedToTaskAsDefault={isCompanyContractsMustBeAssociatedToTaskAsDefault}
Gets a of ExpenseEntry objects based on the search criteria.
GET expense-entry/input-settings-lists?userId={userId}&selectedCompanyId={selectedCompanyId}&selectedProjectId={selectedProjectId}&selectedTaskId={selectedTaskId}&expenseEntryId={expenseEntryId}&lookupSelectedFromLastEntry={lookupSelectedFromLastEntry}&includeUserSelectionList={includeUserSelectionList}&includeUserSelectionListLimitedToSelectedTask={includeUserSelectionListLimitedToSelectedTask}&includeCompanySelectionList={includeCompanySelectionList}&includeProjectSelectionList={includeProjectSelectionList}&includeTaskSelectionList={includeTaskSelectionList}&includeExpenseCodeSelectionList={includeExpenseCodeSelectionList}&includeCompletedInTaskSelectionList={includeCompletedInTaskSelectionList}
Gets the ExpenseEntryInputSettingsAndLists object which contains the input settings and lists for the expense entry worksheet input.
POST expense-entry/upload?id={id}
Uploads a file and creates the file under the item container supplied.
GET expense-entry/{id}
Gets the ExpenseEntry object for the specified Id. URL: /api/expense-entry/{id}
POST expense-entry
Saves the ExpenseEntry object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
GET expense-entry/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ExpenseEntry objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/expense-entry/list".
POST api/ExpenseEntry
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ExpenseEntry?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ExpenseLineItem object. Contains the available API calls for the ExpenseLineItem object.

GET expense-line-item/{id}
Gets the ExpenseLineItem object for the specified Id. URL: /api/expense-line-item/{id}
POST expense-line-item
Saves the ExpenseLineItem object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE expense-line-item/{id}
Deletes the ExpenseLineItem object.
GET expense-line-item/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ExpenseLineItem objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/expense-line-item/list".
POST api/ExpenseLineItem
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ExpenseLineItem?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ExpenseReport object. Contains the available API calls for the ExpenseReport object.

POST expense-report/submit?rangeStartDate={rangeStartDate}&rangeEndDate={rangeEndDate}&approverUserId={approverUserId}&projectId={projectId}
Submits a Expense Report for the given dates.
POST expense-report/{id}/submit?approverUserId={approverUserId}
Submits a ExpenseReport.
GET expense-report/my-expense-report-approvers
Gets the TimeSheet Approvers for the current user
POST expense-report/{id}/mark-downloaded?downloadedDateTimeUTC={downloadedDateTimeUTC}
Marks the ExpenseReport object downloaded.
POST expense-report/{id}/unlock
Unlocks the ExpenseReport.
POST expense-report/{id}/lock
Locks the ExpenseReport.
POST expense-report/{id}/reject?comments={comments}
Rejects a ExpenseReport.
POST expense-report/{id}/approve?comments={comments}
Approve a ExpenseReport.
GET expense-report/expense-report-info?userId={userId}
Gets the of TimeSheetInfo recent time sheet information objects
GET expense-report/most-recent?userId={userId}&rowStart={rowStart}&rowEnd={rowEnd}&excludeExtraRow={excludeExtraRow}
Gets a collection of the most recent expense reports for the supplied user ID. The results are sorted by end date, then by start date and finally by created date in descending order (most recent first).
GET expense-report/search?userGuidList={userGuidList}&userApproverGuidList={userApproverGuidList}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&excludeUnsubmitted={excludeUnsubmitted}&excludeApproved={excludeApproved}&excludeRejected={excludeRejected}&excludePendingApproval={excludePendingApproval}&excludePreviouslyDownloaded={excludePreviouslyDownloaded}
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
GET expense-report/{id}
Gets the ExpenseReport object for the specified Id. URL: /api/expense-report/{id}
GET expense-report/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ExpenseReport objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/expense-report/list".
POST api/ExpenseReport
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ExpenseReport?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ExpenseReportFile object. Contains the available API calls for the ExpenseReportFile object.

GET expense-report-file/{id}
Gets the ExpenseReportFile object for the specified Id. URL: /api/expense-report-file/{id}
GET expense-report-file/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ExpenseReportFile objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/expense-report-file/list".
POST api/ExpenseReportFile
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ExpenseReportFile?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ExternalObject object. Contains the available API calls for the ExternalObject object.

GET external-object/load-by-map-external-id?objectMapId={objectMapId}&id={id}
Gets a of ExternalObject objects for the supplied guid object map ID, and string external ID
GET external-object/load-by-map-internal-id?objectMapId={objectMapId}&id={id}
Gets a ExternalObject object for the supplied guid object map ID, and guid internal ID
GET external-object/list-by-map-external-id?objectMapId={objectMapId}&id={id}
Gets a of ExternalObject objects for the supplied guid object map ID, and string external ID
GET external-object/list-by-map-external-idlist?objectMapId={objectMapId}&ids={ids}
Gets a of ExternalObject objects for the supplied guid object map ID, and string external ID
GET external-object/list-by-map-internal-id?objectMapId={objectMapId}&id={id}
Gets a of ExternalObject objects for the supplied guid object map ID, and guid internal ID
GET external-object/list-by-map-internal-idlist?objectMapId={objectMapId}&ids={ids}
Gets a of ExternalObject objects for the supplied guid object map ID, and string comma separated list of internal IDs.
POST external-object/ensure-external-user-to-pi-user
From the provided request info, get the User object that corresponds to it. Create a new inactive user in PI if necessary.
GET external-object/{id}
Gets the ExternalObject object for the specified Id. URL: /api/external-object/{id}
POST external-object
Saves the ExternalObject object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE external-object/{id}
Deletes the ExternalObject object.
GET external-object/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ExternalObject objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/external-object/list".
POST api/ExternalObject
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ExternalObject?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the FileItem object. Contains the available API calls for the FileItem object.

GET file-item/children/{itemId}
Searches and returns a objects which are attached as a child to the supplied item id.
GET file-item/download-file/{fileId}
Gets the System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response which contains the file contents of a file.
GET file-item/download-file-base64/{fileId}
Gets the FileItem which contains the FileUpload object with the contents of the file in the string FileContentsBase64Encoded property.
GET file-item/version/download-file/{fileId}/{version}
Gets the FileItem object by the version number.
GET file-item/thumbnail-info/{itemId}
Gets the string URL to the desired preview image.
GET file-item/thumbnail-url/{itemId}
Gets the string URL to the desired preview image.
GET file-item/preview-url/{itemId}?pageNumber={pageNumber}
Gets the string URL to the desired preview image.
POST file-item/preview-url/{itemId}?pageNumber={pageNumber}
Gets the string URL to the desired preview image.
GET file-item/preview-image-url/{itemId}?pageNumber={pageNumber}
Gets the string URL to the desired preview image.
POST file-item/preview-image-url/{itemId}?pageNumber={pageNumber}
Gets the string URL to the desired preview image.
GET file-item/{id}/has-open-active-approval-request
Gets a SimpleBool flag indicating if the file already has an open and active approval request assigned to it.
GET file-item/search?userId={userId}&searchTerms={searchTerms}&createdStartDateTimeUTC={createdStartDateTimeUTC}&createdEndDateTimeUTC={createdEndDateTimeUTC}&updatedStartDateTimeUTC={updatedStartDateTimeUTC}&updatedEndDateTimeUTC={updatedEndDateTimeUTC}&userCreatedByGuidList={userCreatedByGuidList}&userUpdatedByGuidList={userUpdatedByGuidList}&checkedOutStartDateTimeUTC={checkedOutStartDateTimeUTC}&checkedOutEndDateTimeUTC={checkedOutEndDateTimeUTC}&userCheckedOutByGuidList={userCheckedOutByGuidList}&itemGuidList={itemGuidList}&fileTypeList={fileTypeList}&includeChildrenFiles={includeChildrenFiles}&excludeFilesCheckedOut={excludeFilesCheckedOut}&excludeFilesNotCheckedOut={excludeFilesNotCheckedOut}&excludeFilesWithVersionControlEnabled={excludeFilesWithVersionControlEnabled}&excludeFilesWithVersionControlDisabled={excludeFilesWithVersionControlDisabled}&minimumFileSize={minimumFileSize}&maximumFileSize={maximumFileSize}&customFieldValueWhereClause={customFieldValueWhereClause}
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
POST file-item/upload?itemIdContainer={itemIdContainer}
Uploads a file and creates the file under the item container supplied.
POST file-item/{id}/upload
Uploads a new file supplied.
GET file-item/{id}
Gets the FileItem object for the specified Id. URL: /api/file-item/{id}
POST file-item
Saves the FileItem object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE file-item/{id}
Deletes the FileItem object.
GET file-item/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of FileItem objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/file-item/list".
POST api/FileItem
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/FileItem?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the FileItemVersion object. Contains the available API calls for the FileItemVersion object.

GET file-item-version/{id}
Gets the FileItemVersion object for the specified Id. URL: /api/file-item-version/{id}
GET file-item-version/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of FileItemVersion objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/file-item-version/list".
POST api/FileItemVersion
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/FileItemVersion?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Folder object. Contains the available API calls for the Folder object.

GET folder/child-folders/{folderId}
Searches and returns a objects which are child folders to the supplied item id.
GET folder/{id}
Gets the Folder object for the specified Id. URL: /api/folder/{id}
POST folder
Saves the Folder object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE folder/{id}
Deletes the Folder object.
GET folder/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Folder objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/folder/list".
POST api/Folder
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Folder?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Goal object. Contains the available API calls for the Goal object.

GET goal/{id}
Gets the Goal object for the specified Id. URL: /api/goal/{id}
POST goal
Saves the Goal object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE goal/{id}
Deletes the Goal object.
GET goal/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Goal objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/goal/list".
POST api/Goal
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Goal?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Group object. Contains the available API calls for the Group object.

GET group/list-communicate
Gets a of Group objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/group/list-communicate".
GET group/list-all
Gets a of all Group objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/group/list-all".
POST group/update-group-members?groupId={groupId}&userIds={userIds}
Clears current group members, and then saves users as group members.
POST group/add-group-member?groupId={groupId}&userId={userId}
Adds user to group.
POST group/remove-group-member?groupId={groupId}&userId={userId}
Remove user from group.
GET group/{id}
Gets the Group object for the specified Id. URL: /api/group/{id}
POST group
Saves the Group object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE group/{id}
Deletes the Group object.
GET group/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Group objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/group/list".
POST api/Group
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Group?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Health object. Contains the available API calls for the Health object.

GET health/active
Gets Sprints that are Active
GET health/{id}
Gets the Health object for the specified Id. URL: /api/health/{id}
POST health
Saves the Health object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE health/{id}
Deletes the Health object.
GET health/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Health objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/health/list".
POST api/Health
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Health?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the HtmlPage object. Contains the available API calls for the HtmlPage object.

GET html-page/{id}
Gets the HtmlPage object for the specified Id. URL: /api/html-page/{id}
POST html-page
Saves the HtmlPage object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE html-page/{id}
Deletes the HtmlPage object.
GET html-page/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of HtmlPage objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/html-page/list".
POST api/HtmlPage
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/HtmlPage?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the IntegrationDefinition object. Contains the available API calls for the IntegrationDefinition object.

GET integration-definition/list-all
Gets a of all IntegrationDefinition. URL "/api/integration-definition/list-all".
GET integration-definition/{id}
Gets the IntegrationDefinition object for the specified Id. URL: /api/integration-definition/{id}
POST integration-definition
Saves the IntegrationDefinition object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE integration-definition/{id}
Deletes the IntegrationDefinition object.
GET integration-definition/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of IntegrationDefinition objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/integration-definition/list".
POST api/IntegrationDefinition
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/IntegrationDefinition?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the IntegrationFieldMap object. Contains the available API calls for the IntegrationFieldMap object.

GET integration-field-map/{id}
Gets the IntegrationFieldMap object for the specified Id. URL: /api/integration-field-map/{id}
POST integration-field-map
Saves the IntegrationFieldMap object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE integration-field-map/{id}
Deletes the IntegrationFieldMap object.
GET integration-field-map/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of IntegrationFieldMap objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/integration-field-map/list".
POST api/IntegrationFieldMap
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/IntegrationFieldMap?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the IntegrationLog object. Contains the available API calls for the IntegrationLog object.

GET integration-log/{id}
Gets the IntegrationLog object for the specified Id. URL: /api/integration-log/{id}
POST integration-log
Saves the IntegrationLog object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE integration-log/{id}
Deletes the IntegrationLog object.
GET integration-log/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of IntegrationLog objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/integration-log/list".
POST api/IntegrationLog
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/IntegrationLog?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the IntegrationObjectMap object. Contains the available API calls for the IntegrationObjectMap object.

GET integration-object-map/{id}
Gets the IntegrationObjectMap object for the specified Id. URL: /api/integration-object-map/{id}
POST integration-object-map
Saves the IntegrationObjectMap object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE integration-object-map/{id}
Deletes the IntegrationObjectMap object.
GET integration-object-map/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of IntegrationObjectMap objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/integration-object-map/list".
POST api/IntegrationObjectMap
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/IntegrationObjectMap?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the InvoiceItemClassification object. Contains the available API calls for the InvoiceItemClassification object.

GET invoice-item-classification/{id}
Gets the InvoiceItemClassification object for the specified Id. URL: /api/invoice-item-classification/{id}
POST invoice-item-classification
Saves the InvoiceItemClassification object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE invoice-item-classification/{id}
Deletes the InvoiceItemClassification object.
GET invoice-item-classification/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of InvoiceItemClassification objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/invoice-item-classification/list".
POST api/InvoiceItemClassification
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/InvoiceItemClassification?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the InvoiceRecord object. Contains the available API calls for the InvoiceRecord object.

POST invoice-record/{id}/mark-downloaded?downloadedDateTimeUTC={downloadedDateTimeUTC}
Marks the InvoiceRecord object downloaded
POST invoice-record/{id}/mark-locked?lockedDateTimeUTC={lockedDateTimeUTC}
Marks the InvoiceRecord object locked
GET invoice-record/proposal/{id}
Gets a for a proposal
GET invoice-record/project/{id}
Gets a for a project
GET invoice-record/ready-for-download?markAsDownloaded={markAsDownloaded}
Gets a that are ready for download
POST invoice-record/{id}/mark-ready-for-download?readyToDownloadSetDateTimeUTC={readyToDownloadSetDateTimeUTC}
Marks the InvoiceRecord object downloaded
GET invoice-record/search?userId={userId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&createdDateStart={createdDateStart}&createdDateEnd={createdDateEnd}&projectGuidList={projectGuidList}&companyContractGuidList={companyContractGuidList}&invoiceClassificationGuidList={invoiceClassificationGuidList}&invoiceRepresentativeGuidList={invoiceRepresentativeGuidList}&invoiceTermsGuidList={invoiceTermsGuidList}&excludeInvoiced={excludeInvoiced}&excludePaid={excludePaid}&excludeDownloaded={excludeDownloaded}&projectCustomFieldValueWhereClause={projectCustomFieldValueWhereClause}&companyCustomFieldValueWhereClause={companyCustomFieldValueWhereClause}
Gets a from the search parameters
GET invoice-record/{id}
Gets the InvoiceRecord object for the specified Id. URL: /api/invoice-record/{id}
POST invoice-record
Saves the InvoiceRecord object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
GET invoice-record/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of InvoiceRecord objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/invoice-record/list".
POST api/InvoiceRecord
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/InvoiceRecord?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the InvoiceSalesRepresentative object. Contains the available API calls for the InvoiceSalesRepresentative object.

GET invoice-sales-representative/{id}
Gets the InvoiceSalesRepresentative object for the specified Id. URL: /api/invoice-sales-representative/{id}
GET invoice-sales-representative/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of InvoiceSalesRepresentative objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/invoice-sales-representative/list".
POST api/InvoiceSalesRepresentative
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/InvoiceSalesRepresentative?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the InvoiceTerm object. Contains the available API calls for the InvoiceTerm object.

GET invoice-term/{id}
Gets the InvoiceTerm object for the specified Id. URL: /api/invoice-term/{id}
GET invoice-term/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of InvoiceTerm objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/invoice-term/list".
POST api/InvoiceTerm
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/InvoiceTerm?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Issue object. Contains the available API calls for the Issue object.

POST issue/{id}/add-resolution?resolution={resolution}
Adds a resolution comment to a issue
GET issue/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
Gets the Issue object for the specified item number. URL: /api/Issue/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
POST issue/update-issue-status
Update the Issue Status
POST issue/update-issue-assigned-to?issueId={issueId}&userId={userId}
The user the Update is assigned to
POST issue/update-issue-state-type?issueId={issueId}&issueStatusId={issueStatusId}
Updates the state for the issue
GET issue/search?userId={userId}&searchTerms={searchTerms}&createdStartDateTimeUTC={createdStartDateTimeUTC}&createdEndDateTimeUTC={createdEndDateTimeUTC}&updatedStartDateTimeUTC={updatedStartDateTimeUTC}&updatedEndDateTimeUTC={updatedEndDateTimeUTC}&closedStartDateTimeUTC={closedStartDateTimeUTC}&closedEndDateTimeUTC={closedEndDateTimeUTC}&resolutionStartDateTimeUTC={resolutionStartDateTimeUTC}&resolutionEndDateTimeUTC={resolutionEndDateTimeUTC}&foundStartDate={foundStartDate}&foundEndDate={foundEndDate}&startDateTimeUTC={startDateTimeUTC}&endDateTimeUTC={endDateTimeUTC}&dateRangeFilterType={dateRangeFilterType}&excludeOpenIssues={excludeOpenIssues}&excludeClosedIssues={excludeClosedIssues}&excludeIssuesWithResolutions={excludeIssuesWithResolutions}&excludeIssuesWithNoResolutions={excludeIssuesWithNoResolutions}&masterFolderList={masterFolderList}&userAssignedToList={userAssignedToList}&userCreatedByList={userCreatedByList}&userResolvedByList={userResolvedByList}&projectList={projectList}&projectTypeList={projectTypeList}&companyList={companyList}&issueTypeList={issueTypeList}&issueResolutionTypeList={issueResolutionTypeList}&issueSeverityTypeList={issueSeverityTypeList}&issuePriorityTypeList={issuePriorityTypeList}&issueStateTypeList={issueStateTypeList}&foundBy={foundBy}
Gets a of Issue objects based on the search criteria.
GET issue/resolutions/{id}
Gets a resolution objects in the system for the specified issue.
GET issue/project/{id}
Gets a contained within a project
GET issue/open
Gets a contained within a project
GET issue/{id}
Gets the Issue object for the specified Id. URL: /api/issue/{id}
POST issue
Saves the Issue object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE issue/{id}
Deletes the Issue object.
GET issue/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Issue objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/issue/list".
POST api/Issue
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Issue?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the IssuePriorityType object. Contains the available API calls for the IssuePriorityType object.

GET issue-priority-type/list-active
Gets a of IssuePriorityType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/issue-priority-type/list-active".
GET issue-priority-type/list-all
Gets a of all IssuePriorityType objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/issue-priority-type/list-all".
GET issue-priority-type/code/{code}
Gets a IssuePriorityType by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
POST issue-priority-type/convert-to-priority?issuePriorityTypeId={issuePriorityTypeId}&projectPriorityId={projectPriorityId}
Converts a IssuePriorityType to a ProjectPriority (the unified priority system)
GET issue-priority-type/{id}
Gets the IssuePriorityType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/issue-priority-type/{id}
POST issue-priority-type
Saves the IssuePriorityType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE issue-priority-type/{id}
Deletes the IssuePriorityType object.
GET issue-priority-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of IssuePriorityType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/issue-priority-type/list".
POST api/IssuePriorityType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/IssuePriorityType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the IssueSeverityType object. Contains the available API calls for the IssueSeverityType object.

GET issue-severity-type/list-active
Gets a of IssueSeverityType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/issue-severity-type/list-active".
GET issue-severity-type/list-all
Gets a of all IssueSeverityType objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/issue-severity-type/list-all".
GET issue-severity-type/code/{code}
Gets a IssueSeverityType by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET issue-severity-type/{id}
Gets the IssueSeverityType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/issue-severity-type/{id}
POST issue-severity-type
Saves the IssueSeverityType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE issue-severity-type/{id}
Deletes the IssueSeverityType object.
GET issue-severity-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of IssueSeverityType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/issue-severity-type/list".
POST api/IssueSeverityType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/IssueSeverityType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the IssueStatusType object. Contains the available API calls for the IssueStatusType object.

GET issue-status-type/list-active
Gets a of IssueStatusType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/issue-status-type/list-active".
GET issue-status-type/list-all
Gets a of all IssueStatusType objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/issue-status-type/list-all".
GET issue-status-type/code/{code}
Gets a IssueStatusType by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET issue-status-type/{id}
Gets the IssueStatusType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/issue-status-type/{id}
POST issue-status-type
Saves the IssueStatusType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE issue-status-type/{id}
Deletes the IssueStatusType object.
GET issue-status-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of IssueStatusType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/issue-status-type/list".
POST api/IssueStatusType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/IssueStatusType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the IssueType object. Contains the available API calls for the IssueType object.

GET issue-type/list-active
Gets a of IssueStatusType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/issue-type/list-active".
GET issue-type/list-all
Gets a of all IssueType objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/issue-type/list-all".
GET issue-type/code/{code}
Gets a IssueType by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET issue-type/{id}
Gets the IssueType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/issue-type/{id}
POST issue-type
Saves the IssueType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE issue-type/{id}
Deletes the IssueType object.
GET issue-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of IssueType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/issue-type/list".
POST api/IssueType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/IssueType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ItemBacklog object. Contains the available API calls for the ItemBacklog object.

GET item-backlog/{id}
Gets the ItemBacklog object for the specified Id. URL: /api/item-backlog/{id}
POST item-backlog
Saves the ItemBacklog object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE item-backlog/{id}
Deletes the ItemBacklog object.
GET item-backlog/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ItemBacklog objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/item-backlog/list".
POST api/ItemBacklog
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ItemBacklog?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.
GET item-relationship/item/{id}
Gets a of ItemRelationship objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/item-relationship/list".
GET item-relationship/{id}
Gets the ItemRelationship object for the specified Id. URL: /api/item-relationship/{id}
POST item-relationship
Saves the ItemRelationship object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE item-relationship/{id}
Deletes the ItemRelationship object.
GET item-relationship/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ItemRelationship objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/item-relationship/list".
POST api/ItemRelationship
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ItemRelationship?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the item base objects. Contains common utility API calls for the item base object.

GET item-utility/related-items/{id}
Gets the list of of related items associated to the supplied item.
GET item-utility/related-items-list/{id}
Gets the RelatedItemList config object that indicate what types of items are allowed to be associated to the supplied item.
GET item-utility/item/{id}
Gets the ItemBase for the supplied id
GET item-utility/item-description/{id}
Gets the ItemBase for the supplied id
POST item-utility/copy?idItemToCopy={idItemToCopy}&idContainerToCopyTo={idContainerToCopyTo}&newName={newName}&numberOfCopies={numberOfCopies}
Copies the the item to the specified location.
POST item-utility/move?idItemToMove={idItemToMove}&idContainerToMoveTo={idContainerToMoveTo}
Moves the the item to the specified location.
POST item-utility/hide?idItemToHide={idItemToHide}&userIdToHideFrom={userIdToHideFrom}
Marks the item as hidden
POST item-utility/unhide?idItemToUnHide={idItemToUnHide}&userIdToUnHideFrom={userIdToUnHideFrom}
Marks the item as hidden
GET item-utility/validate-permission?itemId={itemId}&permissionType={permissionType}
Validate Permission is allowed for item.
POST item-utility/open?itemId={itemId}
Opens the item
POST item-utility/close?itemId={itemId}
Closes the item
POST item-utility/update-name/{id}
No documentation available.
POST api/ItemUtility
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ItemUtility?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

Partial class for location controller

GET location/project/{id}
Gets list of Location by project
GET location/company/{id}
Gets list of Location by company
GET location/proposal/{id}
Gets list of Location by proposal
GET location/company-or-no-company-and-active/{id}
Gets list of Location by company
GET location/company-or-no-company-and-active?parentSelectedListItems={parentSelectedListItems}
Gets list of Location by company
GET location/company/active/{id}
Gets list of Location by company that are active
GET location/all
Gets list of Location of all in workspace
GET location/active
Gets list of Location in the workspace which are active
GET location/{id}
Gets the Location object for the specified Id. URL: /api/location/{id}
POST location
Saves the Location object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE location/{id}
Deletes the Location object.
GET location/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Location objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/location/list".
POST api/Location
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Location?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the MeetingMinutes object. Contains the available API calls for the MeetingMinutes object.

GET meeting-minutes/search?SearchText={SearchText}&MeetingStartDateTimeUTC={MeetingStartDateTimeUTC}&MeetingEndDateTimeUTC={MeetingEndDateTimeUTC}&CreatedStartDateTimeUTC={CreatedStartDateTimeUTC}&CreatedEndDateTimeUTC={CreatedEndDateTimeUTC}&UpdatedStartDateTimeUTC={UpdatedStartDateTimeUTC}&UpdatedEndDateTimeUTC={UpdatedEndDateTimeUTC}&ClosedStartDateTimeUTC={ClosedStartDateTimeUTC}&ClosedEndDateTimeUTC={ClosedEndDateTimeUTC}&ExcludeOpenMeetingMinutes={ExcludeOpenMeetingMinutes}&ExcludeClosedMeetingMinutes={ExcludeClosedMeetingMinutes}&UserAssignedToList={UserAssignedToList}&UserCreatedByList={UserCreatedByList}&ProjectList={ProjectList}&ProjectTypeList={ProjectTypeList}&PrimaryProjectManagersList={PrimaryProjectManagersList}&CompanyList={CompanyList}&MeetingTypeList={MeetingTypeList}&CustomFieldValueWhereClause={CustomFieldValueWhereClause}&ProjectCustomFieldValueWhereClause={ProjectCustomFieldValueWhereClause}&IsReportTypeLogicalAnd={IsReportTypeLogicalAnd}&ProjectSponsorList={ProjectSponsorList}&ProjectStatusList={ProjectStatusList}&ProjectDepartmentList={ProjectDepartmentList}&ProjectPhaseList={ProjectPhaseList}&ProjectPriorityList={ProjectPriorityList}&ProjectInactiveList={ProjectInactiveList}&ProjectArchiveList={ProjectArchiveList}&IncludeActiveProjects={IncludeActiveProjects}&IncludeInActiveProjects={IncludeInActiveProjects}&IncludeArchiveProjects={IncludeArchiveProjects}
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
GET meeting-minutes/{id}
Gets the MeetingMinutes object for the specified Id. URL: /api/meeting-minutes/{id}
DELETE meeting-minutes/{id}
Deletes the MeetingMinutes object.
GET meeting-minutes/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of MeetingMinutes objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/meeting-minutes/list".
POST api/MeetingMinutes
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/MeetingMinutes?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the MeetingType object. Contains the available API calls for the MeetingType object.

GET meeting-type/{id}
Gets the MeetingType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/meeting-type/{id}
POST meeting-type
Saves the MeetingType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE meeting-type/{id}
Deletes the MeetingType object.
GET meeting-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of MeetingType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/meeting-type/list".
POST api/MeetingType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/MeetingType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Notification object. Contains the available API calls for the Notification object.

GET notification/list-recent?beforeDateTimeUTC={beforeDateTimeUTC}&count={count}
Gets a of Notification objects for the supplied business object collection.
GET notification/list?afterDateTimeUTC={afterDateTimeUTC}&beforeDateTimeUTC={beforeDateTimeUTC}&fromProjectId={fromProjectId}&usersMentionedGuidList={usersMentionedGuidList}&count={count}
Gets a of Notification objects for the supplied business object collection.
GET notification/list-recent-and-item-type?itemType={itemType}&beforeDateTimeUTC={beforeDateTimeUTC}&count={count}
Gets a of Notification objects for the supplied business object collection.
GET notification/list-recent-by-item?itemId={itemId}&beforeDateTimeUTC={beforeDateTimeUTC}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageStart={pageStart}
Gets a of Notification objects for the supplied item id
GET notification/list-recent-by-project?projectId={projectId}&beforeDateTimeUTC={beforeDateTimeUTC}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageStart={pageStart}
Gets a of Notification objects for the supplied item id
POST notification/remove?notificationId={notificationId}&userId={userId}
Removes the notification for the specified user.
GET notification/remove?notificationId={notificationId}&userId={userId}
Removes the notification for the specified user.
POST api/Notification
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Notification?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ObjectEvent object. Contains the available API calls for the ObjectEvent object.

GET object-event/list-by-type-and-before-date?businessObjectType={businessObjectType}&lastEventDate={lastEventDate}&numObjectEvents={numObjectEvents}
Gets a list of ObjectEvent for which of a specific item type and before a date
GET object-event/{id}
Gets the ObjectEvent object for the specified Id. URL: /api/object-event/{id}
GET object-event/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ObjectEvent objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/object-event/list".
POST api/ObjectEvent
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ObjectEvent?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Program object. Contains the available API calls for the Program object.

GET program/{id}
Gets the Program object for the specified Id. URL: /api/program/{id}
POST program
Saves the Program object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE program/{id}
Deletes the Program object.
GET program/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Program objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/program/list".
POST api/Program
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Program?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Project object. Contains the available API calls for the Project object.

POST project/allocation-input
Saves the ProjectAllocationInput setting for the project. The object contains of allocation inputs for the resources on the specified project
GET project/allocation-input/{id}?userId={userId}
Gets the ProjectAllocationInput setting for the project. The object contains of allocation inputs for the resources on the specified project and their current settings
GET project/project-what-ifs/{id}
Gets a list of ProjectWhatIf objects associated with the supplied project
POST project/{projectId}/enable-delete
Enable the ability to delete the project
GET project/{projectId}/export-to-xml
Gets the xml of project for export
POST project/{projectId}/reassign-incomplete-tasks?currentUser={currentUser}&newUser={newUser}
Gets the ProjectItemCounts count for Project
GET project/{projectId}/item-counts
Gets the ProjectItemCounts count for Project
GET project/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
Gets the Project object for the specified item number. URL: /api/Project/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
GET project/{projectId}/documents-folder
Returns a Folder objects which is the documents folder of the supplied project id.
GET project/documents-folder/{projectId}
Returns a Folder objects which is the documents folder of the supplied project id.
GET project/{projectId}/documents-folder-and-child-folders
Returns a FolderPath objects which is the documents folder of the supplied project id.
GET project/critical-path-data/{projectId}?pathStartTaskIds={pathStartTaskIds}&pathEndTaskIds={pathEndTaskIds}
Returns a CriticalPathData object with all of the critical paths in a project
POST project/create-from-template?templateProjectId={templateProjectId}&isCopyProjectHeaderFromTemplate={isCopyProjectHeaderFromTemplate}&isCopyCompaniesAndContractsFromTemplate={isCopyCompaniesAndContractsFromTemplate}&isCopyTargetBudgetFromTemplate={isCopyTargetBudgetFromTemplate}
Creates a Project from a project template.
POST project/ensure-user-is-project-resource/{projectId}?userId={userId}
Ensures the supplied user is on the project
POST project/update-project-state?projectId={projectId}&projectState={projectState}
Updates the the project to the supplied project state
POST project/calculate-schedule?projectId={projectId}
Calculates the schedule for the supplied Project ID.
POST project/calculate-time-expenses?projectId={projectId}
Calculates the time and expenses for the supplied Project ID.
POST project/save-skip-project-calc
Saves the supplied Project, but skips the project calculation. Use when performing multiple separate calls for a project. When all updates are complete, manually call the CalculateProject method. If an Id property- is supplied, then an update is performed, it the Id property is null, then a create operation is performed.
GET project/calculate-all-open-active-inactive-time-expenses
Calculates the time and expenses for the supplied Project ID.
GET project/work-items/{id}
Gets a list of work items by project.
POST project/archive?projectId={projectId}&itemIdContainer={itemIdContainer}
Calculates the schedule for the supplied Project ID.
POST project/close?projectId={projectId}&itemIdContainer={itemIdContainer}
Calculates the schedule for the supplied Project ID.
POST project/unarchive?projectId={projectId}
Calculates the schedule for the supplied Project ID.
POST project/reopen?projectId={projectId}
Calculates the schedule for the supplied Project ID.
POST project/add-template-task?projectId={projectId}&templateTaskId={templateTaskId}&suffixString={suffixString}
Adds a task from a template to a project
GET project/list-by-project-predecessors/{id}
Gets a list of work items by project.
POST project/assign-by-resource-type-unassigned/{id}?resourceTypeId={resourceTypeId}&userId={userId}
Assigns tasks in the specified project that are currently unassigned with the specified resource type
POST project/multiply-duration/{id}?multiplyFactor={multiplyFactor}
Multiplies the duration by the supplied factor
POST project/multiply-work/{id}?multiplyFactor={multiplyFactor}
Multiplies the work by the supplied factor
POST project/multiply-work-and-duration/{id}?workMultiplyFactor={workMultiplyFactor}&durationMultiplyFactor={durationMultiplyFactor}
Multiplies the work and duration by the supplied factors
POST project/add-user/{id}
Adds a user to the supplied project
POST project/remove-user/{id}
Removes a user to the supplied project (if they can be)
POST project/set-primary-pm/{id}?removeExistingPrimaryPMIfNoTasks={removeExistingPrimaryPMIfNoTasks}
Removes a user to the supplied project (if they can be)
POST project/remove-all-constraint-dates/{id}
Removes all of the constraint dates in the supplied project
GET project/remove-all-constraint-dates/{id}
Removes all of the constraint dates in the supplied project
GET project/assigned-to
Gets the of Project objects the current user is assigned to.
GET project/assigned-to-by-company?companyId={companyId}&includePlanning={includePlanning}
Gets the of Project objects the current user is assigned to.
GET project/assigned-to-incomplete-tasks
Gets the of Project objects the current user is assigned to.
GET project/active
Gets the of Project objects that are active.
GET project/inactive
Gets the of Project objects that are active.
GET project/archive
Gets the of Project objects that are archived.
GET project/to-be-deleted
Gets the objects that are archived.
GET project/open
Gets the objects that are open.
GET project/list-company-active/{companyId}
Gets the objects that are open.
GET project/active-user-can-view
Gets the objects that are open.
GET project/planning-user-can-view
Gets the of Project objects that are open.
GET project/archive-user-can-view
Gets the of Project objects that are open.
GET project/open-active
Gets the of Project objects that are open and active.
GET project/open-active-planning
Gets the of Project objects that are open and active or planning
GET project/planning
Gets the of Project objects that are in planning.
GET project/template
Gets the of Project objects that are templates.
GET project/templates
Gets the of Project objects that are templates.
GET project/active-and-planning-user-can-view
Gets the of Project objects that are active or planning and which the current user can view.
GET project/active-and-planning
Gets the of Project objects that are active or planning.
GET project/active-and-planning-user-pm-or-ps
Gets the of Project objects that are active or planning and the user is a PM or PS on
GET project/active-by-project-priority-list?projectPriorityList={projectPriorityList}
Gets a of Project objects that are associated to the supplied project priority
GET project/list-by-sprint?sprintId={sprintId}
Gets a of Project objects that are associated to the supplied sprint
GET project/active-by-company-list?companyList={companyList}
Gets a of Project objects that are in the active state that are associated to the supplied company list. If no company is supplied then no projects will be returned.
GET project/active-by-department?departmentId={departmentId}
Gets a of Project objects that are in the active state that are associated to the supplied department
GET project/active-by-project-phase?projectPhaseId={projectPhaseId}
Gets a of Project objects that are in the active state that are associated to the supplied ProjectPhase
GET project/invoice-line-item-with-approved-non-invoice-billable-time-entries/{companyId}
Gets a of Project objects that have approved non-invoiced billable time entries on the for the supplied company.
GET project/invoice-line-item-with-approved-non-invoice-billable-expense-entries/{companyId}
Gets a of Project objects that have approved non-invoiced billable expense entries on the for the supplied company.
GET project/active-by-pm?userId={userId}
Gets a of Project objects that are in the active state that are associated to the supplied company list. If no company is supplied then no projects will be returned.
GET project/active-by-primary-pm?userId={userId}&projectStatusId={projectStatusId}&projectPhaseId={projectPhaseId}
Gets a of Project objects that are in the active state that are associated to the supplied company list. If no company is supplied then no projects will be returned.
GET project/active-by-assigned-to?userId={userId}
Gets a of Project objects that are in the active state that are associated to the supplied company list. If no company is supplied then no projects will be returned.
GET project/search
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
POST project/search
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
POST project/update-project-timezoneregion
Updates the the projects to the supplied time zone
GET project/{id}
Gets the Project object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project/{id}
POST project
Saves the Project object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project/{id}
Deletes the Project object.
GET project/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Project objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project/list".
POST api/Project
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Project?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the performing searches. Contains the available API calls for performing searches.

GET project-allocation
Gets the ProjectAllocation for the supplied ProjectAllocationFilter filter
POST project-allocation
Gets the ProjectAllocation for the supplied ProjectAllocationFilter filter
POST api/ProjectAllocation
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectAllocation?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectBaseline object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectBaseline object.

GET project-baseline/{id}
Gets the ProjectBaseline object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-baseline/{id}
GET project-baseline/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectBaseline objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-baseline/list".
POST api/ProjectBaseline
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectBaseline?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

Partial class for location controller

GET project-phase/list-all
Gets list of ProjectPhase of all in workspace
GET project-phase/{id}
Gets the ProjectPhase object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-phase/{id}
POST project-phase
Saves the ProjectPhase object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-phase/{id}
Deletes the ProjectPhase object.
GET project-phase/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectPhase objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-phase/list".
POST api/ProjectPhase
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectPhase?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectPredecessor object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectPredecessor object.

GET project-predecessor/{id}
Gets the ProjectPredecessor object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-predecessor/{id}
POST project-predecessor
Saves the ProjectPredecessor object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-predecessor/{id}
Deletes the ProjectPredecessor object.
GET project-predecessor/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectPredecessor objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-predecessor/list".
POST api/ProjectPredecessor
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectPredecessor?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

Partial class for Project Priority controller

GET project-priority/all
Gets list of ProjectPriority of all in workspace
GET project-priority/active
Gets list of ProjectPriority in the workspace which are active
GET project-priority/{id}
Gets the ProjectPriority object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-priority/{id}
POST project-priority
Saves the ProjectPriority object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-priority/{id}
Deletes the ProjectPriority object.
GET project-priority/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectPriority objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-priority/list".
POST api/ProjectPriority
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectPriority?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectRequest object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectRequest object.

GET project-request/search?userId={userId}&sortDirection={sortDirection}&createdStartTimeUTC={createdStartTimeUTC}&createdEndTimeUTC={createdEndTimeUTC}&includeOpen={includeOpen}&includeClosed={includeClosed}&projectTypeList={projectTypeList}&projectManagersList={projectManagersList}&projectSponsorsList={projectSponsorsList}&usersCreatedList={usersCreatedList}&usersUpdatedList={usersUpdatedList}&companyList={companyList}&contractList={contractList}
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
GET project-request/active-by-project-priority-list?projectPriorityList={projectPriorityList}
Gets a of ProjectRequest objects that are associated to the supplied project priority
GET project-request/open
Gets the of ProjectRequest objects that are open.
GET project-request/my-requests?index={index}&amount={amount}&sortColumn={sortColumn}&sortDirection={sortDirection}&includeClosed={includeClosed}
Gets the objects that are created by me
GET project-request/open-with-paging?index={index}&amount={amount}&sortColumn={sortColumn}&sortDirection={sortDirection}
Gets the objects that are open and no project
GET project-request/open-with-project?index={index}&amount={amount}&sortColumn={sortColumn}&sortDirection={sortDirection}
Gets the objects that are open with a project
GET project-request/open-closed
Gets the of ProjectRequest objects that are open and closed.
GET project-request/{id}
Gets the ProjectRequest object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-request/{id}
POST project-request
Saves the ProjectRequest object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-request/{id}
Deletes the ProjectRequest object.
GET project-request/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectRequest objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-request/list".
POST api/ProjectRequest
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectRequest?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectRequestResource object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectRequestResource object.

GET project-request-resource/{id}
Gets the ProjectRequestResource object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-request-resource/{id}
POST project-request-resource
Saves the ProjectRequestResource object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-request-resource/{id}
Deletes the ProjectRequestResource object.
GET project-request-resource/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectRequestResource objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-request-resource/list".
POST api/ProjectRequestResource
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectRequestResource?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectResource object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectResource object.

GET project-resource/project/{id}?userIds={userIds}
Gets the of ProjectResource objects assigned to the project id supplied.
GET project-resource/list-by-projects?projectIds={projectIds}
Gets a of ProjectResource objects for the supplied comma separated list of project ids.
POST project-resource/list-by-projects
Gets a of ProjectResource objects for the supplied comma separated list of project ids.
GET project-resource/{id}
Gets the ProjectResource object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-resource/{id}
POST project-resource
Saves the ProjectResource object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-resource/{id}
Deletes the ProjectResource object.
GET project-resource/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectResource objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-resource/list".
POST api/ProjectResource
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectResource?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectScorecard object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectScorecard object.

GET project-scorecard/{id}
Gets the ProjectScorecard object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-scorecard/{id}
POST project-scorecard
Saves the ProjectScorecard object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-scorecard/{id}
Deletes the ProjectScorecard object.
GET project-scorecard/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectScorecard objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-scorecard/list".
POST api/ProjectScorecard
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectScorecard?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectScorecardValue object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectScorecardValue object.

GET project-scorecard-value/{id}
Gets the ProjectScorecardValue object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-scorecard-value/{id}
POST project-scorecard-value
Saves the ProjectScorecardValue object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-scorecard-value/{id}
Deletes the ProjectScorecardValue object.
GET project-scorecard-value/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectScorecardValue objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-scorecard-value/list".
POST api/ProjectScorecardValue
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectScorecardValue?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectStatus object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectStatus object.

GET project-status/list-active
Gets a of ProjectStatus objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/project-status/list-active".
GET project-status/list-all
Gets a of all ProjectStatus objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/project-status/list-all".
GET project-status/code/{code}
Gets a ProjectStatus by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET project-status/{id}
Gets the ProjectStatus object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-status/{id}
POST project-status
Saves the ProjectStatus object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-status/{id}
Deletes the ProjectStatus object.
GET project-status/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectStatus objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-status/list".
POST api/ProjectStatus
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectStatus?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectType object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectType object.

GET project-type/list-active
Gets a of ProjectStatus objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/project-status/list-active".
GET project-type/list-all
Gets a of all ProjectType objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/project-status/list-all".
GET project-type/code/{code}
Gets a ProjectType by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET project-type/{id}
Gets the ProjectType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-type/{id}
POST project-type
Saves the ProjectType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-type/{id}
Deletes the ProjectType object.
GET project-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-type/list".
POST api/ProjectType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProjectWhatIf object. Contains the available API calls for the ProjectWhatIf object.

GET project-what-if/{id}
Gets the ProjectWhatIf object for the specified Id. URL: /api/project-what-if/{id}
POST project-what-if
Saves the ProjectWhatIf object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE project-what-if/{id}
Deletes the ProjectWhatIf object.
GET project-what-if/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProjectWhatIf objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/project-what-if/list".
POST api/ProjectWhatIf
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProjectWhatIf?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Proposal object. Contains the available API calls for the Proposal object.

GET proposal/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
Gets the Proposal object for the specified item number. URL: /api/proposal/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
POST proposal/unlock?proposalId={proposalId}
Unlocks the proposal of the supplied guid id.
POST proposal/lock?proposalId={proposalId}
Locks the proposal of the supplied guid id
POST proposal/calculate?proposalId={proposalId}
Calculates the proposal of the supplied guid id.
GET proposal/expense-default-rates?expenseCodeId={expenseCodeId}&proposalId={proposalId}
Gets the default rates to use for a task work expense on the supplied project
GET proposal/work-hour-default-rates?taskTypeId={taskTypeId}&resourceTypeId={resourceTypeId}&proposalId={proposalId}&timeExpenseCodeId={timeExpenseCodeId}
Gets the default rates to use for a task work expense on the supplied project
GET proposal/list-by-project/{id}
Gets the of Proposal objects associated to the project.
GET proposal/list-by-company/{id}
Gets the of Proposal objects associated to the project.
GET proposal/list-my-proposals?isOpen={isOpen}&isClosed={isClosed}
Gets the objects associated with the workspace.
GET proposal/search
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
POST proposal/search
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
POST proposal/{id}/deliverable/{deliverableId}/copy?copyToId={copyToId}
Searches for deliverable and copies it
GET proposal/{id}
Gets the Proposal object for the specified Id. URL: /api/proposal/{id}
POST proposal
Saves the Proposal object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE proposal/{id}
Deletes the Proposal object.
GET proposal/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Proposal objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/proposal/list".
POST api/Proposal
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Proposal?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

Controller for Exp Deliverables

POST proposal-deliverable-exp/update-pending-invoice-date
Update the Pending Invoice Date of a deliverable NOTE: all other fields will be ignored besides pending invoice date
POST proposal-deliverable-exp/{id}/split-update?pendingSplit={pendingSplit}
Bulk adds splits to deliverable
POST proposal-deliverable-exp/split-update-forecast-date-location/{id}?pendingSplit={pendingSplit}
Bulk adds splits to deliverable
POST proposal-deliverable-exp/remove-all/{id}?pendingSplit={pendingSplit}
Bulk adds splits to deliverable
DELETE proposal-deliverable-exp/{id}/delete-split-line/{lineId}?pendingSplit={pendingSplit}
Delete split line fom Expense Deliverable
DELETE proposal-deliverable-exp/{id}/bulk-delete-split-line?lineIds={lineIds}&pendingSplit={pendingSplit}
Delete in bulk split line fom Expense Deliverable
DELETE proposal-deliverable-exp/{id}/delete-all-split-line?pendingSplit={pendingSplit}
Delete all split lines on expense deliverable
GET proposal-deliverable-exp/{id}/get-proposal-deliverable-exp-splits?pendingSplit={pendingSplit}
Get splits for a deliverable
GET proposal-deliverable-exp/list-by-project/{id}
Gets the of ProposalDeliverableExp objects associated to the supplied guid project ID.
GET proposal-deliverable-exp/{id}
Gets the ProposalDeliverableExp object for the specified Id. URL: /api/proposal-deliverable-exp/{id}
POST proposal-deliverable-exp
Saves the ProposalDeliverableExp object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE proposal-deliverable-exp/{id}
Deletes the ProposalDeliverableExp object.
GET proposal-deliverable-exp/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProposalDeliverableExp objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/proposal-deliverable-exp/list".
POST api/ProposalDeliverableExp
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProposalDeliverableExp?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProposalDeliverableTaskWorkExpense object. Contains the available API calls for the ProposalDeliverableTaskWorkExpense object.

GET proposal-deliverable-task-work-expense/{id}
Gets the ProposalDeliverableTaskWorkExpense object for the specified Id. URL: /api/proposal-deliverable-task-work-expense/{id}
POST proposal-deliverable-task-work-expense
Saves the ProposalDeliverableTaskWorkExpense object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE proposal-deliverable-task-work-expense/{id}
Deletes the ProposalDeliverableTaskWorkExpense object.
GET proposal-deliverable-task-work-expense/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProposalDeliverableTaskWorkExpense objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/proposal-deliverable-task-work-expense/list".
POST api/ProposalDeliverableTaskWorkExpense
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProposalDeliverableTaskWorkExpense?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ProposalDeliverableTime object. Contains the available API calls for the ProposalDeliverableTime object.

POST proposal-deliverable-time/update-pending-invoice-date
Update the Pending Invoice Date of a deliverable NOTE: all other fields will be ignored besides pending invoice date
POST proposal-deliverable-time/add-split-line
POST proposal-deliverable-time/delete-split-line/{id}
GET proposal-deliverable-time/list-by-project/{id}
Gets the of ProposalDeliverableTime objects associated to the supplied Project.
GET proposal-deliverable-time/{id}
Gets the ProposalDeliverableTime object for the specified Id. URL: /api/proposal-deliverable-time/{id}
POST proposal-deliverable-time
Saves the ProposalDeliverableTime object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE proposal-deliverable-time/{id}
Deletes the ProposalDeliverableTime object.
GET proposal-deliverable-time/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ProposalDeliverableTime objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/proposal-deliverable-time/list".
POST api/ProposalDeliverableTime
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ProposalDeliverableTime?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the performing searches. Contains the available API calls for performing searches.

GET resource-allocation?StartDateLocal={StartDateLocal}&EndDateLocal={EndDateLocal}&StartDateUTC={StartDateUTC}&EndDateUTC={EndDateUTC}&TotalDaily={TotalDaily}&TotalWeekly={TotalWeekly}&TotalMonthly={TotalMonthly}&TotalQuarterly={TotalQuarterly}&RollupType={RollupType}&UserIdList={UserIdList}&UserDepartmentIdList={UserDepartmentIdList}&UserCompanyIdList={UserCompanyIdList}&UserResourceTypeIdList={UserResourceTypeIdList}&ProjectManagersUserIdList={ProjectManagersUserIdList}&UserTypeIdList={UserTypeIdList}&UserCustomFieldSqlWhereClause={UserCustomFieldSqlWhereClause}&CompanyIdList={CompanyIdList}&CompanyContractIdList={CompanyContractIdList}&ProjectsManagedByPMUserIdList={ProjectsManagedByPMUserIdList}&ProjectTypeIdList={ProjectTypeIdList}&ProjectActiveIdList={ProjectActiveIdList}&ProjectNotActiveIdList={ProjectNotActiveIdList}&ProjectClosedIdList={ProjectClosedIdList}&IncludeUnassignedTasks={IncludeUnassignedTasks}&IncludeProjectsNotActive={IncludeProjectsNotActive}&ExcludeProjectsActive={ExcludeProjectsActive}&IncludeProjectsClosed={IncludeProjectsClosed}&IncludeCompletedTasks={IncludeCompletedTasks}&IncludeTimeEntryData={IncludeTimeEntryData}&IncludeExpenseEntryData={IncludeExpenseEntryData}&IncludeAllottedHoursData={IncludeAllottedHoursData}&IncludeNonProjectHours={IncludeNonProjectHours}&CalculateCumulativeValues={CalculateCumulativeValues}
Gets the AllocationObject for the supplied ResourceAllocationFilterfilter
POST resource-allocation?StartDateLocal={StartDateLocal}&EndDateLocal={EndDateLocal}&StartDateUTC={StartDateUTC}&EndDateUTC={EndDateUTC}&TotalDaily={TotalDaily}&TotalWeekly={TotalWeekly}&TotalMonthly={TotalMonthly}&TotalQuarterly={TotalQuarterly}&RollupType={RollupType}&UserIdList={UserIdList}&UserDepartmentIdList={UserDepartmentIdList}&UserCompanyIdList={UserCompanyIdList}&UserResourceTypeIdList={UserResourceTypeIdList}&ProjectManagersUserIdList={ProjectManagersUserIdList}&UserTypeIdList={UserTypeIdList}&UserCustomFieldSqlWhereClause={UserCustomFieldSqlWhereClause}&CompanyIdList={CompanyIdList}&CompanyContractIdList={CompanyContractIdList}&ProjectsManagedByPMUserIdList={ProjectsManagedByPMUserIdList}&ProjectTypeIdList={ProjectTypeIdList}&ProjectActiveIdList={ProjectActiveIdList}&ProjectNotActiveIdList={ProjectNotActiveIdList}&ProjectClosedIdList={ProjectClosedIdList}&IncludeUnassignedTasks={IncludeUnassignedTasks}&IncludeProjectsNotActive={IncludeProjectsNotActive}&ExcludeProjectsActive={ExcludeProjectsActive}&IncludeProjectsClosed={IncludeProjectsClosed}&IncludeCompletedTasks={IncludeCompletedTasks}&IncludeTimeEntryData={IncludeTimeEntryData}&IncludeExpenseEntryData={IncludeExpenseEntryData}&IncludeAllottedHoursData={IncludeAllottedHoursData}&IncludeNonProjectHours={IncludeNonProjectHours}&CalculateCumulativeValues={CalculateCumulativeValues}
Gets the AllocationObject for the supplied ResourceAllocationFilterfilter
POST resource-allocation/portfolio
Gets the AllocationObject for the supplied ResourceAllocationFilterfilter
POST resource-allocation/task-resource-capacity-table
Gets the AllocationObject for the supplied ResourceAllocationFilterfilter
GET resource-allocation/task-resource-capacity-table
Gets the AllocationObject for the supplied ResourceAllocationFilterfilter
POST resource-allocation/task-resource-form-suggest-alternative-table
Gets the AllocationObject for the supplied ResourceAllocationFilterfilter
GET resource-allocation/task-resource-form-suggest-alternative-table
Gets the AllocationObject for the supplied ResourceAllocationFilterfilter
POST api/ResourceAllocation
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ResourceAllocation?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ResourceType object. Contains the available API calls for the ResourceType object.

GET resource-type/list-active
Gets a of ResourceType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/resource-type/list-active".
GET resource-type/list-all
Gets a of all ResourceType objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/resource-type/list-all".
GET resource-type/code/{code}
Gets a ResourceType by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET resource-type/{id}
Gets the ResourceType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/resource-type/{id}
POST resource-type
Saves the ResourceType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE resource-type/{id}
Deletes the ResourceType object.
GET resource-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ResourceType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/resource-type/list".
POST api/ResourceType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ResourceType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Risk object. Contains the available API calls for the Risk object.

GET risk/search
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
POST risk/search
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
GET risk/list-by-project/{id}
Retrieves a list of risks associated with a project.
GET risk/{id}
Gets the Risk object for the specified Id. URL: /api/risk/{id}
POST risk
Saves the Risk object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE risk/{id}
Deletes the Risk object.
GET risk/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Risk objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/risk/list".
POST api/Risk
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Risk?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the RiskType object. Contains the available API calls for the RiskType object.

GET risk-type/{id}
Gets the RiskType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/risk-type/{id}
POST risk-type
Saves the RiskType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE risk-type/{id}
Deletes the RiskType object.
GET risk-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of RiskType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/risk-type/list".
POST api/RiskType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/RiskType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Scorecard object. Contains the available API calls for the Scorecard object.

GET scorecard/{id}
Gets the Scorecard object for the specified Id. URL: /api/scorecard/{id}
POST scorecard
Saves the Scorecard object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE scorecard/{id}
Deletes the Scorecard object.
GET scorecard/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Scorecard objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/scorecard/list".
POST api/Scorecard
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Scorecard?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the performing searches. Contains the available API calls for performing searches.

GET search/items-by-name?name={name}
Searches the system for items with the supplied name
GET search/items-by-item-number-full?itemNumberFull={itemNumberFull}
Searches the system for items with the supplied item number (full)
GET search/items-by-number-full-or-name?numberFullOrName={numberFullOrName}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&includeExtraResult={includeExtraResult}&itemType={itemType}&itemTypeString={itemTypeString}
Searches the system for items with the supplied number (full) OR name. Matches for item number (full) will be sorted ahead of matches for item name.
POST api/Search
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Search?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the SharedLink object. Contains the available API calls for the SharedLink object.

GET shared-link/url-link/{id}
Adds the task to the supplied sprint
POST shared-link/save-update-by-type
Adds the task to the supplied sprint
GET shared-link/{id}
Gets the SharedLink object for the specified Id. URL: /api/shared-link/{id}
POST shared-link
Saves the SharedLink object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE shared-link/{id}
Deletes the SharedLink object.
GET shared-link/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of SharedLink objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/shared-link/list".
POST api/SharedLink
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/SharedLink?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Shortcut object. Contains the available API calls for the Shortcut object.

POST shortcut/create-from-onedrive/{itemContainer_Id}
Creates a shortcut from the provided OneDriveResponse object.
POST shortcut/create-from-googledrive/{itemContainer_Id}
Creates a shortcut from files in the provided GoogleDriveResponse object.
GET shortcut/search?userId={userId}&searchTerms={searchTerms}&createdStartDateTimeUTC={createdStartDateTimeUTC}&createdEndDateTimeUTC={createdEndDateTimeUTC}&updatedStartDateTimeUTC={updatedStartDateTimeUTC}&updatedEndDateTimeUTC={updatedEndDateTimeUTC}&userCreatedByGuidList={userCreatedByGuidList}&userUpdatedByGuidList={userUpdatedByGuidList}&customFieldValueWhereClause={customFieldValueWhereClause}
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
GET shortcut/cloud-repositories-by-project/{projectId}
Loads the Cloud Repository collection associated to the provided Project
GET shortcut/{id}
Gets the Shortcut object for the specified Id. URL: /api/shortcut/{id}
POST shortcut
Saves the Shortcut object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE shortcut/{id}
Deletes the Shortcut object.
GET shortcut/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Shortcut objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/shortcut/list".
POST api/Shortcut
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Shortcut?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Sprint object. Contains the available API calls for the Sprint object.

POST sprint/add-task?taskId={taskId}&sprintId={sprintId}
Adds the task to the supplied sprint
POST sprint/remove-task?taskId={taskId}&sprintId={sprintId}&doNotCalculateSprint={doNotCalculateSprint}
Adds the task to the supplied sprint
POST sprint/move-task-to-sprint-on-close?taskId={taskId}&sprintId={sprintId}&createCopyForInProgress={createCopyForInProgress}&doNotCalculateProjectSchedule={doNotCalculateProjectSchedule}
Moves the task to a new sprint on the close screen
POST sprint/reset-work-hours-original?sprintId={sprintId}
Resets the work original hours
POST sprint/calculate-sprint-and-project-schedules?sprintId={sprintId}&sprintIds={sprintIds}
Calculates the project schedules for the sprint
POST sprint/calculate-sprint?sprintId={sprintId}
Calculates the sprint only
POST sprint/move-task-to-backlog/{taskId}
Removes the task from the current sprint
GET sprint/active
Gets Sprints that are Active
GET sprint/planning
Gets Sprints in Planning
GET sprint/active-or-planning
Gets Sprints in Planning
GET sprint/active-or-planning/{projectId}
Gets Sprints in Planning
GET sprint/{id}
Gets the Sprint object for the specified Id. URL: /api/sprint/{id}
POST sprint
Saves the Sprint object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE sprint/{id}
Deletes the Sprint object.
GET sprint/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Sprint objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/sprint/list".
POST api/Sprint
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Sprint?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Sprint object. Contains the available API calls for the Sprint object.

POST sprint-chart/burn-down/{sprintId}
Returns a KendoUIChartObject object for the burndown chart
POST sprint-chart/task-assignment-pie/{sprintId}
Returns a KendoUIChartObject object for the task assignment pie chart
POST sprint-chart/sprint-work-pie/{sprintId}
Returns a KendoUIChartObject object for the task assignment pie chart
POST sprint-chart/sprint-work-bar/{sprintId}
Returns a KendoUIChartObject object for the task assignment pie chart
POST api/SprintChart
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/SprintChart?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the SprintWorkItem object. Contains the available API calls for the SprintWorkItem object.

POST sprint-work-item/sprint/{id}
Get a SprintWorkItem objects for the specified guid iteration id. URL "/api/sprint-work_items/sprint
POST sprint-work-item/project-backlog/{id}
Get a of SprintWorkItem objects all belonging to the project
GET sprint-work-item/{id}
Gets the SprintWorkItem object for the specified Id. URL: /api/sprint-work-item/{id}
POST sprint-work-item
Saves the SprintWorkItem object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE sprint-work-item/{id}
Deletes the SprintWorkItem object.
GET sprint-work-item/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of SprintWorkItem objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/sprint-work-item/list".
POST api/SprintWorkItem
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/SprintWorkItem?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Task object. Contains the available API calls for the Task object.

POST task/list-by-user-status-board
Gets the of tasks for the specified project and filter options for the status Kanban board
POST task/list-by-project-status-board/{id}
Gets the of tasks for the specified project and filter options for the status Kanban board
POST task/list-by-sprint-status-board/{id}
Gets the of tasks for the specified project and filter options for the status Kanban board
POST task/list-by-project-planning-board/{id}?taskId={taskId}&startDateLocal={startDateLocal}&clearConstraints={clearConstraints}
Gets the of tasks for the specified project and filter options for the planning Kanban board
POST task/list-by-project-assignment-board/{id}
Gets the of tasks for the specified project and filter options for the assignment board
POST task/planning-board-update-task-start-date/{id}?startDateLocal={startDateLocal}
Updates the work percent complete for the task
POST task/list-by-program-status-board/{id}
Gets the of tasks for the specified project and filter options for the status Kanban board
POST task/list-by-program-planning-board/{id}?taskId={taskId}&startDateLocal={startDateLocal}&clearConstraints={clearConstraints}
Gets the of tasks for the specified project and filter options for the planning Kanban board
POST task/list-by-program-assignment-board/{id}
Gets the of tasks for the specified project and filter options for the assignment board
GET task/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
Gets the Task object for the specified item number. URL: /api/Task/item-number/{itemNumberFull}
GET task/project/{id}
Gets the of Task objects for the suppplied project
GET task/sprint/{id}
Gets the of Task objects for the suppplied sprint
GET task/project-task-combo-box/{id}?limitToExpandIdList={limitToExpandIdList}&limitToSummaryTasks={limitToSummaryTasks}
Gets the of Task objects for the suppplied project
GET task/summary-task/{id}
Gets the of Task objects for the suppplied summary task
GET task/summary-task/project/{id}?depthLimit={depthLimit}
Gets the of Task objects for the suppplied project
GET task/overdue/project/{id}
Gets the of Task objects for the suppplied project that are considered "overdue"
GET task/current/project/{id}
Gets the of Task objects for the suppplied project that are considered "current"
GET task/current/milestone/{id}
Gets the of Task objects for the suppplied project that are marked as a milestone
GET task/task-children-incomplete-and-assigned-to/{id}?userId={userId}&includeCompletedTasks={includeCompletedTasks}
Gets the of Task objects which share a common template task within the same project and also assigned to the user supplied.
POST task/mark-complete/{taskId}
Marks a task 100% complete
POST task/mark-zero-percent-complete/{taskId}
Marks a task to 0 percent complete
POST task/update-work-percent-complete?taskId={taskId}&workPercentComplete={workPercentComplete}
Updates the work percent complete for the task
POST task/update-work-percent-complete-by-assignment?taskId={taskId}&userAssignedToId={userAssignedToId}&workPercentComplete={workPercentComplete}
Updates the work percent complete for the task
POST task/update-work-percent-complete-type?taskId={taskId}&workPercentCompleteTypeId={workPercentCompleteTypeId}
Updates the work percent complete for the task
POST task/update-work-percent-complete-type-by-assignment?taskId={taskId}&userAssignedToId={userAssignedToId}&workPercentCompleteTypeId={workPercentCompleteTypeId}
Updates the work percent complete for the task
POST task/set-original-hours?taskId={taskId}&lockWorkHoursOriginal={lockWorkHoursOriginal}&onlyIfNotSet={onlyIfNotSet}
Calculates and sets the original hours from the current work hours.
POST task/set-proposal-deliverable-time?taskId={taskId}&proposalDeliverableTimeId={proposalDeliverableTimeId}
Sets the proposal time deliverable to the task
POST task/set-proposal-deliverable-expense?taskId={taskId}&proposalDeliverableExpenseId={proposalDeliverableExpenseId}
Sets the proposal expense deliverable to the task
POST task/add-user-assignment?taskId={taskId}&userId={userId}&taskWorkAdjustmentInt={taskWorkAdjustmentInt}
Adds a new user assignment to the task if the user isn"t already assigned to the task.
POST task/change-task-assignment?taskId={taskId}&userIdFrom={userIdFrom}&userIdTo={userIdTo}
Changes task assignment from one user to another.
POST task/change-task-owner?taskId={taskId}&userId={userId}
Changes the task owner to the specified user.
POST task/remove-user-assignment?taskId={taskId}&userId={userId}&taskWorkAdjustmentInt={taskWorkAdjustmentInt}
Removes the user from the assignment on the task if the user is currently assigned to the task.
GET task/search-child-tasks/{id}?keywords={keywords}
Gets a of child task for the supplied parent task and filtered by the keywords supplied
POST task/move?idItemToMove={idItemToMove}&idContainerToMoveTo={idContainerToMoveTo}
Moves the the task to the specified new summary task or project
POST task/add-to-sprint?taskId={taskId}&sprintId={sprintId}
Adds the task to the supplied sprint
POST task/remove-from-sprint?taskId={taskId}&sprintId={sprintId}
Removes the task from the supplied sprint
GET task/appointments?startDateTimeUTC={startDateTimeUTC}&endDateTimeUTC={endDateTimeUTC}&userIds={userIds}&getUnassigned={getUnassigned}
Moves the the task to the specified new summary task or project
GET task/appointments/project/{id}?startDateTimeUTC={startDateTimeUTC}&endDateTimeUTC={endDateTimeUTC}&userIds={userIds}&getUnassigned={getUnassigned}
Moves the the task to the specified new summary task or project
GET task/search
Gets a of Task objects based on the search criteria. For best results, use date range and other option filters.
GET task/search-new
Gets a of Task objects based on the search criteria. For best results, use date range and other option filters.
POST task/search
Gets a of Task objects based on the search criteria. For best results, use date range and other option filters.
GET task/task-in-project-created-by-template-task?templateTaskId={templateTaskId}&projectId={projectId}
Gets a Task which was created from the task supplied in the project supplied. Returns null if it does not exist
DELETE task/not-recursive/{id}
Deletes the Task object, not recursively
POST task/update-task-owner/{id}?userId={userId}
Updates the task owner for the task, preserves all other users (if they exist). If assigning the task owner to null, that clears all assignments.
POST task/update-task-owner-return-task/{id}?userId={userId}
Updates the task owner for the task, preserves all other users (if they exist). If assigning the task owner to null, that clears all assignments.
POST task/multiply-duration/{id}?multiplyFactor={multiplyFactor}&notRecursive={notRecursive}
Multiplies the duration by the supplied factor
POST task/multiply-work-and-duration/{id}?workMultiplyFactor={workMultiplyFactor}&durationMultiplyFactor={durationMultiplyFactor}&notRecursive={notRecursive}
Multiplies the work and duration by the supplied factors
POST task/estimate-start-end-dates
Updates the Task supplied with the estimated start and end dates for that task.
GET task/takeda-bio-assign-task-by-center-info-assignment/{id}
Assigns the task to the default assignee by looking at the center information
GET task/list-by-projects?projectIds={projectIds}
Gets a of Task objects for the supplied comma separated list of project ids.
POST task/list-by-projects
Gets a of Task objects for the supplied comma separated list of project ids.
POST task/remove-constraint/{id}
Removes the constraint date and constraint from a task, resets it back to the default and recalculates the schedule
GET task/{id}
Gets the Task object for the specified Id. URL: /api/task/{id}
POST task
Saves the Task object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE task/{id}
Deletes the Task object.
GET task/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Task objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/task/list".
POST api/Task
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Task?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TaskBaseline object. Contains the available API calls for the TaskBaseline object.

GET task-baseline/{id}
Gets the TaskBaseline object for the specified Id. URL: /api/task-baseline/{id}
GET task-baseline/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TaskBaseline objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/task-baseline/list".
POST api/TaskBaseline
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TaskBaseline?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TaskPredecessor object. Contains the available API calls for the TaskPredecessor object.

GET task-predecessor/list-by-task/{id}
Gets the list of TaskPredecessor objects associated with the supplied guid task ID
GET task-predecessor/{id}
Gets the TaskPredecessor object for the specified Id. URL: /api/task-predecessor/{id}
POST task-predecessor
Saves the TaskPredecessor object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE task-predecessor/{id}
Deletes the TaskPredecessor object.
GET task-predecessor/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TaskPredecessor objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/task-predecessor/list".
POST api/TaskPredecessor
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TaskPredecessor?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TaskResource object. Contains the available API calls for the TaskResource object.

POST task-resource/allocation-input-form-info
Saves the AllocationInputFormInfo data used for the allocation input form.
GET task-resource/allocation-input/{id}
Gets the AllocationInput with of allocation inputs for the task assignment/resource record
GET task-resource/available-days/{id}?startDateTime={startDateTime}&endDateTime={endDateTime}
Gets the AllocationInput with of allocation inputs for the task assignment/resource record
GET task-resource/available-days/{id}?startDateTime={startDateTime}&endDateTime={endDateTime}&projectId={projectId}&taskId={taskId}
Gets the available hours for the supplied user and project
POST task-resource/allocation-input
Saves the AllocationInput setting for the task resource record. The object contains of allocation inputs for the task assignment/resource record
GET task-resource/list-by-task/{id}
Gets a of TaskResource objects for the supplied task Id.
GET task-resource/list-by-tasks?taskIds={taskIds}
Gets a of TaskResource objects for the supplied comma separated list of task ids.
POST task-resource/list-by-tasks
No documentation available.
GET task-resource/list-by-task-for-edit/{id}
Gets a of TaskResource objects for the supplied task Id.
GET task-resource/get-task-tesource-user-team-assigned/{taskId}?userId={userId}
No documentation available.
POST task-resource/team-assignment-take-assignment/{id}?placeholderId={placeholderId}&userId={userId}
Takes the team assignment for a user and allows the user to take the assignment
GET task-resource/{id}
Gets the TaskResource object for the specified Id. URL: /api/task-resource/{id}
POST task-resource
Saves the TaskResource object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE task-resource/{id}
Deletes the TaskResource object.
GET task-resource/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TaskResource objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/task-resource/list".
POST api/TaskResource
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TaskResource?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TaskType object. Contains the available API calls for the TaskType object.

GET task-type/list-active
Gets a of ResourceType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/resource-type/list-active".
GET task-type/list-all
Gets a of all ResourceType objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/resource-type/list-all".
GET task-type/{id}
Gets the TaskType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/task-type/{id}
POST task-type
Saves the TaskType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE task-type/{id}
Deletes the TaskType object.
GET task-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TaskType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/task-type/list".
POST api/TaskType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TaskType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TaskWorkExpense object. Contains the available API calls for the TaskWorkExpense object.

GET task-work-expense/default-rates?expenseCodeId={expenseCodeId}&projectId={projectId}
Gets the default rates to use for a task work expense on the supplied project
GET task-work-expense/{id}
Gets the TaskWorkExpense object for the specified Id. URL: /api/task-work-expense/{id}
POST task-work-expense
Saves the TaskWorkExpense object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE task-work-expense/{id}
Deletes the TaskWorkExpense object.
GET task-work-expense/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TaskWorkExpense objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/task-work-expense/list".
POST api/TaskWorkExpense
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TaskWorkExpense?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Issue object. Contains the available API calls for the Issue object.

GET devops/resync-project?appInstallId={appInstallId}&projectId={projectId}
Called from the Team Services web hook when a Work Item has been deleted.
GET devops/get-last-sync-date?appInstallId={appInstallId}&projectId={projectId}
Gets the last time the project was fully synced
POST api/TeamServices
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TeamServices?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TimeEntry object. Contains the available API calls for the TimeEntry object.

GET time-entry/object-and-user/{id}?userId={userId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Gets the with the collection with time entries specifically attached to the object. If the object is a project, only tasks that are attached directly to the project are included (task entries are not included)
GET time-entry/object-and-user-actual-hours/{id}?userId={userId}
Gets the SimpleDecimal total actual hours for the object and user
GET time-entry/object-and-user-actual-hours-formatted/{id}?userId={userId}&formatNullAsZero={formatNullAsZero}
Gets the SimpleString total actual hours for the object and user as a formatted string
GET time-entry/object-and-user-billable-hours/{id}?userId={userId}
Gets the SimpleDecimal total billable hours for the object and user
GET time-entry/object-and-user-billable-hours-formatted/{id}?userId={userId}
Gets the SimpleString total billable hours for the object and user as a formatted string
GET time-entry/object/{id}?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Gets the with time entries specifically attached to the object. If the object is a project, only tasks that are attached directly to the project are included (task entries are not included)
GET time-entry/project/{id}
Gets the of TimeEntry objects associated to the project (both direct attached entries and entries on tasks or items in the
GET time-entry/user-date-range?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&userId={userId}
Gets the list of time entries by user for the specified date range
GET time-entry/user-unsubmitted-date-range?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&userId={userId}
Gets the list of UNSUBMITTED (not on a time sheet) time entries by user for the specified date range
GET time-entry/user-recent?userId={userId}&maxResults={maxResults}
Gets the of TimeEntry objects
POST time-entry/search
Gets the for the provided TimeEntryFilter
GET time-entry/search?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&userList={userList}&projectList={projectList}&companyList={companyList}&companyContractList={companyContractList}&expenseCodeList={expenseCodeList}&departmentList={departmentList}&departmentAlternate={departmentAlternate}&userTypeList={userTypeList}&projectTypeList={projectTypeList}&projectStatusList={projectStatusList}&taskSpecialtyList={taskSpecialtyList}&excludeNonBillableEntries={excludeNonBillableEntries}&excludeBillableEntries={excludeBillableEntries}&excludeEntriesNotOnTimeSheet={excludeEntriesNotOnTimeSheet}&excludeSubmittedApprovedEntries={excludeSubmittedApprovedEntries}&excludeEntriesNonApprovedOnTimeSheet={excludeEntriesNonApprovedOnTimeSheet}&excludeInvoicedEntries={excludeInvoicedEntries}&excludeRejectedEntries={excludeRejectedEntries}&excludeProjectSpecificEntries={excludeProjectSpecificEntries}&excludeCompanySpecificEntries={excludeCompanySpecificEntries}&isCompaniesMustBeAssociatedToTaskAsDefault={isCompaniesMustBeAssociatedToTaskAsDefault}&isCompanyContractsMustBeAssociatedToTaskAsDefault={isCompanyContractsMustBeAssociatedToTaskAsDefault}
Gets a of TimeEntry objects based on the search criteria.
GET time-entry/input-settings-lists?userId={userId}&selectedCompanyId={selectedCompanyId}&selectedProjectId={selectedProjectId}&sortProjectListByProjectNumber={sortProjectListByProjectNumber}&sortTaskDropDownListByTaskDate={sortTaskDropDownListByTaskDate}&sortTaskDropDownListByTaskNumber={sortTaskDropDownListByTaskNumber}&includeCompletedTasksInList={includeCompletedTasksInList}&includeUserTaskActualInputHours={includeUserTaskActualInputHours}&ignoreSelectedCompany={ignoreSelectedCompany}&includeSelectedProjectsDisplay={includeSelectedProjectsDisplay}
Gets the TimeEntryInputSettingsAndLists object which contains the input settings and lists for the time entry worksheet input.
GET time-entry/{id}
Gets the TimeEntry object for the specified Id. URL: /api/time-entry/{id}
POST time-entry
Saves the TimeEntry object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
GET time-entry/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TimeEntry objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/time-entry/list".
POST api/TimeEntry
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TimeEntry?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TimeEntryLineItem object. Contains the available API calls for the TimeEntryLineItem object.

GET time-entry-line-item/{id}
Gets the TimeEntryLineItem object for the specified Id. URL: /api/time-entry-line-item/{id}
POST time-entry-line-item
Saves the TimeEntryLineItem object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE time-entry-line-item/{id}
Deletes the TimeEntryLineItem object.
GET time-entry-line-item/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TimeEntryLineItem objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/time-entry-line-item/list".
POST api/TimeEntryLineItem
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TimeEntryLineItem?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Timer object. Contains the available API calls for the Timer object.

POST timer/create-timer-for-item?itemId={itemId}
Creates and starts the timer for the given item for the current logged on user.
POST timer/create-timer-for-item-with-expense-code?itemId={itemId}&expenseCodeId={expenseCodeId}
Creates and starts the timer for the given item for the current logged on user with expense code
POST timer/create-timer-for-company?companyId={companyId}&expenseCodeId={expenseCodeId}
Creates and starts the timer for the given company for the current logged on user.
GET timer/timers-and-shortcuts
Gets a of Timer objects associated to the current user
GET timer/list-by-current-user
Gets a of Timer objects associated to the current user
GET timer/advanced-config
Gets the AppConfigTimerAdvancedOptions if installed
POST timer/start-timer?timerId={timerId}
Starts (restarts) the supplied timer for the current user.
POST timer/toggle-timer?timerId={timerId}
Toggles the timer from start to stop or stop to start
POST timer/stop-timer?timerId={timerId}
Stops the supplied timer for the current user.
POST timer/clear-timer?timerId={timerId}
Stops the supplied timer for the current user.
POST timer/set-timer?timerId={timerId}&pendingSeconds={pendingSeconds}
Sets the pending seconds (timer) the supplied timer for the current user.
GET timer/{id}
Gets the Timer object for the specified Id. URL: /api/timer/{id}
POST timer
Saves the Timer object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE timer/{id}
Deletes the Timer object.
GET timer/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Timer objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/timer/list".
POST api/Timer
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Timer?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TimeSheet object. Contains the available API calls for the TimeSheet object.

POST time-sheet/{id}/mark-ready-for-download?readyToDownloadSetDateTimeUTC={readyToDownloadSetDateTimeUTC}
Marks the TimeSheet object as ready to be downloaded
POST time-sheet/{id}/unmark-ready-for-download
Unmarks the TimeSheet object as ready to be downloaded
POST time-sheet/{id}/toggle-marked-ready-for-download
Toggles the flag on the TimeSheet indicating if it is ready to be downloaded.
POST time-sheet/{id}/mark-downloaded?downloadedDateTimeUTC={downloadedDateTimeUTC}
Marks the TimeSheet object downloaded.
POST time-sheet
Saves the TimeSheet object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
POST time-sheet/{id}/unlock
Unlocks the TimeSheet.
POST time-sheet/{id}/lock
Locks the TimeSheet.
POST time-sheet/{id}/submit?approverUserId={approverUserId}
Submits a TimeSheet.
POST time-sheet/{id}/reject?comments={comments}
Rejects a TimeSheet.
POST time-sheet/{id}/reject-pm?projectId={projectId}&comments={comments}
Rejects a TimeSheet by PM.
POST time-sheet/{id}/approve?comments={comments}
Approve a TimeSheet.
POST time-sheet/{id}/approve-pm?projectId={projectId}&comments={comments}
Approves a TimeSheet by PM.
POST time-sheet/{id}/check-adding-editing-allowed
Checks if the TimeSheet is editable.
POST time-sheet/create-and-submit?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&userIdApprover={userIdApprover}&userId={userId}
Creates time sheet and submits for the date range supplied.
GET time-sheet/time-sheet-name-default?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
Gets the string default time sheet name based on the date range supplied
GET time-sheet/my-time-current-status
Gets the MyTimeCurrentStatus object with the time details for the current user.
GET time-sheet/recent-time-sheet-info?userId={userId}&maxPeriods={maxPeriods}
Gets the of TimeSheetInfo recent time sheet information objects
GET time-sheet/user-date-range?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&userId={userId}
Gets the list of time entries by user for the specified date range
GET time-sheet/search?userGuidList={userGuidList}&userApproverGuidList={userApproverGuidList}&userPMApproverGuidList={userPMApproverGuidList}&userTypeGuidList={userTypeGuidList}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&excludeUnsubmitted={excludeUnsubmitted}&excludeApproved={excludeApproved}&excludeRejected={excludeRejected}&excludePendingApproval={excludePendingApproval}&excludePreviouslyDownloaded={excludePreviouslyDownloaded}
Searches and returns a objects based on the criteria supplied.
GET time-sheet/{id}
Gets the TimeSheet object for the specified Id. URL: /api/time-sheet/{id}
GET time-sheet/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TimeSheet objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/time-sheet/list".
POST api/TimeSheet
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TimeSheet?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TimeSheetPMApproval object. Contains the available API calls for the TimeSheetPMApproval object.

GET time-sheet-p-m-approval/by-user-pm-approver-for-approval?userId={userId}
Gets the of TimeSheetPMApproval recent time sheet information objects
GET time-sheet-p-m-approval/{id}
Gets the TimeSheetPMApproval object for the specified Id. URL: /api/time-sheet-p-m-approval/{id}
GET time-sheet-p-m-approval/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TimeSheetPMApproval objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/time-sheet-p-m-approval/list".
POST api/TimeSheetPMApproval
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TimeSheetPMApproval?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the ToDo object. Contains the available API calls for the ToDo object.

GET to-do/search?userId={userId}&keywords={keywords}&createdRangeStartDateTimeUTC={createdRangeStartDateTimeUTC}&createdRangeEndDateTimeUTC={createdRangeEndDateTimeUTC}&updatedRangeStartDateTimeUTC={updatedRangeStartDateTimeUTC}&updatedRangeEndDateTimeUTC={updatedRangeEndDateTimeUTC}&closedRangeStartDateTimeUTC={closedRangeStartDateTimeUTC}&closedRangeEndDateTimeUTC={closedRangeEndDateTimeUTC}&scheduleStartRangeStartDateTimeUTC={scheduleStartRangeStartDateTimeUTC}&scheduleStartRangeEndDateTimeUTC={scheduleStartRangeEndDateTimeUTC}&scheduleEndRangeStartDateTimeUTC={scheduleEndRangeStartDateTimeUTC}&scheduleEndRangeEndDateTimeUTC={scheduleEndRangeEndDateTimeUTC}&actualStartRangeStartDateTimeUTC={actualStartRangeStartDateTimeUTC}&actualStartRangeEndDateTimeUTC={actualStartRangeEndDateTimeUTC}&actualEndRangeStartDateTimeUTC={actualEndRangeStartDateTimeUTC}&actualEndRangeEndDateTimeUTC={actualEndRangeEndDateTimeUTC}&startDateTimeUTC={startDateTimeUTC}&endDateTimeUTC={endDateTimeUTC}&dateRangeFilterType={dateRangeFilterType}&excludeOpenToDos={excludeOpenToDos}&excludeClosedToDos={excludeClosedToDos}&userAssignedToGuidList={userAssignedToGuidList}&userCreatedByGuidList={userCreatedByGuidList}&projectGuidList={projectGuidList}
Gets a of ToDo objects based on the search criteria.
GET to-do/{id}
Gets the ToDo object for the specified Id. URL: /api/to-do/{id}
POST to-do
Saves the ToDo object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE to-do/{id}
Deletes the ToDo object.
GET to-do/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of ToDo objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/to-do/list".
POST api/ToDo
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/ToDo?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.
POST translate-text-edit/save-property-definition-override
Updates the PropDefinitionOverride from the user interface input
POST translate-text-edit/save-translated-text-override
Updates the KanbanBoard setting for the toggling of a column.
POST api/TranslatedTextEdit
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TranslatedTextEdit?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the TShirtSize object. Contains the available API calls for the TShirtSize object.

GET t-shirt-size/list-active
Gets a of TShirtSize objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/issue-status-type/list-active".
GET t-shirt-size/list-all
Gets a of all TShirtSize objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/issue-status-type/list-all".
GET t-shirt-size/code/{code}
Gets a TShirtSize by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET t-shirt-size/{id}
Gets the TShirtSize object for the specified Id. URL: /api/t-shirt-size/{id}
POST t-shirt-size
Saves the TShirtSize object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE t-shirt-size/{id}
Deletes the TShirtSize object.
GET t-shirt-size/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of TShirtSize objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/t-shirt-size/list".
POST api/TShirtSize
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/TShirtSize?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the User object. Contains the available API calls for the User object.

GET user/capacity-input
POST user/capacity-input
Saves the settings
GET user/list-communicate
Gets a ProjectInsight.WebApi.Controllers.Users.UserController.List(System.String,ProjectInsight.Models.Base.ModelProperties) of User objects that the current user communicates with. Relative URL "/api/user/list-communicate".
GET user/list-communicate-active
Gets a ProjectInsight.WebApi.Controllers.Users.UserController.List(System.String,ProjectInsight.Models.Base.ModelProperties) of User objects that the current user communicates with. Relative URL "/api/user/list-communicate".
GET user/list-communicate-mention
Gets a ProjectInsight.WebApi.Controllers.Users.UserController.List(System.String,ProjectInsight.Models.Base.ModelProperties) of User objects that the current user communicates with. Relative URL "/api/user/list-communicate". For mention (excludes placeholders)
GET user/list-active
Gets a of User objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/user/list-active".
GET user/list-all
Gets a of all User objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/user/list-all".
GET user/list-placeholder-resources
Gets a of User objects which are placeholder resources
GET user/users-with-time-entries
Gets a of User objects that have at least one time entry.
GET user/users-can-enter-time
Gets a of User objects which can enter time
GET user/users-with-expense-entries
Gets a of User objects that have at least one expense entry.`
GET user/project-resource-users-active
GET user/time-sheet-approver-users-active
GET user/expense-report-approver-users-active
GET user/project-manager-users-active
GET user/project-resource-users
Gets the of users who are designated as resources.
GET user/list-except-placeholder-resources
Gets a of User objects which are placeholder resources
GET user/list-resource-users-communicate
Gets a of User objects which are project resources the current user can communicate with
GET user/list-app-users
Gets a of User objects which are currently marked active
POST user/update-assignment-cache-key
Updates the user assignemnt cache key for the current logged on user
GET user/update-assignment-cache-key
Updates the user assignemnt cache key for the current logged on user
POST user/set-active
Saves the User object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
POST user/set-not-active
Saves the User object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
GET user/user-dashboard-stats
Gets the UserDashboardStats for the current logged on user.
GET user/user-dashboard-stats/{id}
Gets the User object for the specified Id. URL: /api/user/user-dashboard-stats/{id}
POST user/invite?projectId={projectId}
Invites a user to the PI system.
GET user/list-by-project-for-task-assignment/{id}?overrideProjectResourceLimitation={overrideProjectResourceLimitation}
Gets a of all User objects which can be added to a task assignment in the specified project. Relative URL "/api/user/list-by-project-for-task-assignment/{id:guid}".
GET user/list-by-project-for-task-assignment
Gets a of all User objects which can be added to a task assignment in the specified project. Relative URL "/api/user/list-by-project-for-task-assignment".
GET user/list-by-project-for-resource-assignment/{id}
Gets a of all User objects which can be added to a task assignment in the specified project. Relative URL "/api/user/list-by-project-for-task-assignment/{id:guid}".
GET user/list-assigned-to-project/{id}?includePlaceholderResources={includePlaceholderResources}
Gets a of all User objects that are assigned to the specified project
POST user/list-assigned-to-project-for-assignment-board/{id}
Gets a of all User objects that are assigned to the specified project
GET user/list-for-task-assignment
Gets a of all User objects which can be added to a task assignment with no specific associated project. Relative URL "/api/user/list-for-task-assignment".
GET user/my-work?id={id}
Gets the MyWork object containing the work the user is assigned to given the settings for their dashboard
GET user/my-work/{id}
Gets the MyWork object containing the work the user is assigned to given the settings for their dashboard
GET user/my-work-teams?id={id}&page={page}&rowsPerPage={rowsPerPage}
Gets the MyWork object containing the work the user is assigned to given the settings for Microsoft Teams
GET user/my-work-teams/{id}?page={page}&rowsPerPage={rowsPerPage}
Gets the MyWork object containing the work the user is assigned to given the settings for Microsoft Teams
GET user/my-projects-teams?id={id}
Gets the MyWork object containing the work the user is assigned to given the settings for Microsoft Teams
GET user/my-projects-teams/{id}
Gets the MyWork object containing the work the user is assigned to given the settings for Microsoft Teams
GET user/me
Gets the User object for the specified Id. URL: /api/user/me
GET user/my-timesheet-approvers?userId={userId}
Gets the of timesheet approvers.
GET user/my-timesheet-approvals?userId={userId}
Gets the of timesheet approvers.
POST user/dismiss-system-message/{id}?userId={userId}
Dismisses System Message
POST user/dismiss-payment-required-message?userId={userId}
Dismisses System Message
POST user/request-sales-contact-statement-due?userId={userId}
Dismisses System Message
POST user/send-welcome-email
Sends the welcome email to the specified user in the supplied simple string object
GET user/user-list?searchTerm={searchTerm}&department_Id={department_Id}&resourceType_Id={resourceType_Id}&includeNotActive={includeNotActive}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageStart={pageStart}&sortDirection={sortDirection}&sortColumn={sortColumn}
Gets a of all User objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/user/user-list".
POST user/template-list
Gets a of all User objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/user/user-list".
GET user/user-directory-list?searchTerm={searchTerm}&resourceType_Id={resourceType_Id}&includeNotActive={includeNotActive}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageStart={pageStart}&sortDirection={sortDirection}&sortColumn={sortColumn}
Gets a of all User objects, active and inactive. Relative URL "/api/user/user-list".
POST user/user-team-list/{id}
Gets a of User objects who report to the supplied manager.
POST user/user-team-list?id={id}
Gets a of User objects who report to the supplied manager.
POST user/user-department-list/{id}
Gets a of User objects who report to the supplied manager.
GET user/company-list-active/{id}
Gets a of active User objects who belong to the supplied company.
GET user/company-list-client-users-active/{id}
Gets a of active client User objects who belong to the supplied company.
POST user/company-list/{id}
Gets a of User objects who belong to the supplied company.
POST user/user-client-list
Gets a of all User objects, that are clients using the provided search filters. Relative URL "/api/user/user-client-list".
POST user/left-navigation-close
Closes the left navigation
GET user/workday?date={date}&userId={userId}
Gets the Workday for a specifc date/user
GET user/by-email-address?emailAddress={emailAddress}
Gets the user by email address
POST user/upload-profile-photo?userId={userId}&clearRemoveUserPhoto={clearRemoveUserPhoto}
Uploads a file and creates the file under the item container supplied.
GET user/{id}
Gets the User object for the specified Id. URL: /api/user/{id}
POST user
Saves the User object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE user/{id}
Deletes the User object.
GET user/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of User objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/user/list".
POST api/User
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/User?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the UserPTO object. Contains the available API calls for the UserPTO object.

POST user-pto/pto-calendar
Saves the UserPTO object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE user-pto/pto-calendar/{id}
Deletes the UserPTO object.
POST user-pto/accrual-rate-schedule
Saves the UserPTOAccrualRateSchedule object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE user-pto/accrual-rate-schedule/{id}
Delete the UserPTOAccrualRateSchedule object
POST user-pto/accrual-rate
Saves the UserPTOAccrualRate object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE user-pto/accrual-rate/{id}
Delete the UserPTOAccrualRate object
GET user-pto/{id}
Gets the UserPTO object for the specified Id. URL: /api/user-p-t-o/{id}
POST user-pto
Saves the UserPTO object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE user-pto/{id}
Deletes the UserPTO object.
GET user-pto/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of UserPTO objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/user-p-t-o/list".
POST api/UserPTO
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/UserPTO?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the UserType object. Contains the available API calls for the UserType object.

GET user-type/list-active
Gets a of UserType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/user-type/list-active".
GET user-type/list-all
Gets a of UserType objects that are active. Relative URL "/api/user-type/list-all".
GET user-type/code/{code}
Gets a UserType by its code. It returns the first found with that code.
GET user-type/{id}
Gets the UserType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/user-type/{id}
POST user-type
Saves the UserType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE user-type/{id}
Deletes the UserType object.
GET user-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of UserType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/user-type/list".
POST api/UserType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/UserType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Webhook object. Contains the available API calls for the Webhook object.

GET webhook/{id}
Gets the Webhook object for the specified Id. URL: /api/webhook/{id}
POST webhook
Saves the Webhook object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE webhook/{id}
Deletes the Webhook object.
GET webhook/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Webhook objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/webhook/list".
POST api/Webhook
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Webhook?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the WebhookLog object. Contains the available API calls for the WebhookLog object.

GET webhook-log/{id}
Gets the WebhookLog object for the specified Id. URL: /api/webhook-log/{id}
GET webhook-log/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of WebhookLog objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/webhook-log/list".
POST api/WebhookLog
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/WebhookLog?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the Workday object. Contains the available API calls for the Workday object.

GET workday/{id}
Gets the Workday object for the specified Id. URL: /api/workday/{id}
POST workday
Saves the Workday object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE workday/{id}
Deletes the Workday object.
GET workday/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of Workday objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/workday/list".
POST api/Workday
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/Workday?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the WorkdayTime object. Contains the available API calls for the WorkdayTime object.

GET workday-time/{id}
Gets the WorkdayTime object for the specified Id. URL: /api/workday-time/{id}
POST workday-time
Saves the WorkdayTime object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE workday-time/{id}
Deletes the WorkdayTime object.
GET workday-time/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of WorkdayTime objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/workday-time/list".
POST api/WorkdayTime
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/WorkdayTime?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.

REST service for the WorkPercentCompleteType object. Contains the available API calls for the WorkPercentCompleteType object.

GET work-percent-complete-type/list-active?itemType={itemType}&projectId={projectId}
Gets a of WorkPercentCompleteType objects that are active.
GET work-percent-complete-type/list-kanban
Gets a of WorkPercentCompleteType objects that are active for kanban boards.
GET work-percent-complete-type/list-all
Gets a ProjectInsight.WebApi.Controllers.ReferenceData.WorkPercentCompleteTypeController.List(System.String,ProjectInsight.Models.Base.ModelProperties) of all WorkPercentCompleteType objects, active and inactive.
GET work-percent-complete-type/{id}
Gets the WorkPercentCompleteType object for the specified Id. URL: /api/work-percent-complete-type/{id}
POST work-percent-complete-type
Saves the WorkPercentCompleteType object. When Id has a value, an update operation is performed, when Id has no value, a create new object operation is performed.
DELETE work-percent-complete-type/{id}
Deletes the WorkPercentCompleteType object.
GET work-percent-complete-type/list?ids={ids}
Gets a of WorkPercentCompleteType objects for the specified string comma seperated id list. URL "/api/work-percent-complete-type/list".
POST api/WorkPercentCompleteType
Initializes the registry settings
GET api/WorkPercentCompleteType?paramName={paramName}
No documentation available.