Project Requests - How to Create a Project Process

How to Create a Project Process – Who's Screaming the Loudest isn't a Process

Are you currently taking on projects based on who is screaming the loudest? Both internal departments or external clients? If this “process” sounds familiar, we are here to save the day! Set your organization up for success by creating a simple, organized project request process. Tune in to see just how easy it is to create that process in Project Insight.


  • Email is too free form. It allows anyone to send in a request. You will get too many requests and they will all be different, not standardized
  • Excel and Word are single user applications and that information is not centralized, making it hard to compare one request to another
  • Sticky notes and white boards are nice, until you lose the note or someone wipes off the board
  • Trying to perform every single project presented is just impossible


Project Requests enable you to capture and manage requests for work so that you can evaluate them and decide whether or not it should become a project. If you are someone that gets assigned project requests to manage, or you are new to Project Insight and would like an overview of project requests, then this training is for you!


  • Learn four easy ways to manage project requests in PI®
  • Learn how to capture, analyze, review and approve project requests
  • Gain tips on creating the best process for your team
  • Help set your organization up for continuous success

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Online 2/23/2017
Cynthia West
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